Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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We haven't had any concerns come in on it yet. For a majority of the customers it affects it's actually pretty good. Most of the ones that go to access points are secured apartment buildings that would always end up being NI3ed and postcarded or RTSed. Our counter is only open 2 hours a night, so it gives them a little more flexibility.
We have a ton of upset customers


Resident Suit
We have a ton of upset customers
Honestly, as a customer I probably wouldn't care. I can see the access point from my apartment. It would save me time. I know at my old apartment everything I got from FedEx I had to have will called at FedEx office because they could never get in. The only reason I didn't have that issue with us is because the driver would call me to let him in or give me my stuff at work.
Honestly, as a customer I probably wouldn't care. I can see the access point from my apartment. It would save me time. I know at my old apartment everything I got from FedEx I had to have will called at FedEx office because they could never get in. The only reason I didn't have that issue with us is because the driver would call me to let him in or give me my stuff at work.
Half the stuff I drop off there,goes back a week later.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I don't think we even do access point at my center. At least not on any of my routes.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Hell yeah. @hyena @jumpman23
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