Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Resident Suit
I can't go into specifics, but some upper management got caught breaking the rules, and it went downhill from there. They cleaned house. Building managers, several center managers, I'm sure some supervisors got caught too, All busted down and moved far far away within a week.
If my fiancee wasn't looking at getting her Master's degree here I'd be out in a heartbeat. I'm really hoping she sticks with a bachelors and we can move somewhere more habitable.


cap'n crunch
I guess they could work their way back. I saw several managers get busted back to sups, and they did their time. Bosses change and they got back to where they were. Doesn't happen a lot, but it does happen.


Well-Known Member


cap'n crunch
I think the most I know of is when 3 got canned, a DM was one of them.
From what I can tell, they didn't can anyone, though it is possible. The ones I heard went to on-car supervision in the worst building in our district. As a matter of fact, It is lovingly called the armpit of the district by employees here. I can't imagine going from being a boss over a whole building down to an on road sup. oh well.


Retired 23 years
Ever see how much it costs for a woman to get her hair colored? I could get 2-3 haircuts based on what it costs to get a woman's hair colored once. And I don't go to a cheap place.

I get free haircuts at the local beauty college for being a veteran. Never had a bad one yet. They watch the trainees like a hawk. Another perk is usually the trainees are very easy on the eyes.
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