Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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nowhere special
I think you r a custodial administrator ..... How's that lamb chop!


Victory Ride
Tell them you are working on your Prius or Smart Car----they will leave you alone.
I have the strongest hatred for Prius drivers..... I don't even care about the car itself.....everyone I have ever been behind or next to ....suuuuuuuck as a driver


Retired 23 years
Close call going to town last night. As I was waiting to pull onto the highway (2 lane) a car was attempting to make a left turn on to the same road I was on. Another car smashed into her (probably yaking on her cell phone) doing probably 60 mph and another one rear ended her. Mean while a car coming the opposite way swerved around all the carnage and probably missed my front end by about a foot. I called 911 and reported it. Glad I wasn't on my motorcycle or I would have crapped myself.
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