Next gen teamster
Nope we strikingDon’t matter we still going work after contract expires then get retro checks. The past two contracts the old timers said that happen. Standard operating procedure during negotiations
Nope we strikingDon’t matter we still going work after contract expires then get retro checks. The past two contracts the old timers said that happen. Standard operating procedure during negotiations
I got a sack full of youngin’s
PerhapsNope we striking
Wrong.yes sir
Sup?Hello Greenie
what is he thinking about
Tell me a BandHaving fun?
birth controlTell me a Band
the monkiesTell me a Band
AC DCTell me a Band
They actually had some good songs.the monkies
ABC,123?the jackson 5
Scanning boxesSup?
Nothing much read the thread about 4 managers getting let goSup?
Striking for what reasons?Nope we striking
This is the hard part ...finding the right oneAC DC
I've seen that happen several times, because they was dirty.Nothing much read the thread about 4 managers getting let go