Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Man that was a rough week. Holy ish beer me @IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U !!!!!!!!!!!!!! @joeboodog !!!!!!!!!!! My phone went kaput on Monday .Right before I could trade it in. I'm using my wife's old one now. I had no phone for 2 days ,I have no contacts, so if someone calls or texts me I have no idea who it is. I hate that. So I just don't answer , respond. Lmfao. Any hooo. It's the mother fluffin 3 day weekend. Let's DO this!!!!!!!!!! friend it. I'm breaking out the whiskey ........
Welcome back


good people drink good beer

A player on the other team got injured. Our guys showed total class and respect by taking a knee and praying. Go Blue.
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