nowhere special
View attachment 17963 Found one...outside of Wal-Mart of all places!
I thought all WalMartians had Obamaphones.
View attachment 17963 Found one...outside of Wal-Mart of all places!
True...lolI thought all WalMartians had Obamaphones.
If I even used the word "nappy" I would be called a racist.....doesn't matter that I would be describing material to re-cover a couch !
That is one butt ugly man. Poor thing.
View attachment 17967 Annnnd...puke.
View attachment 17963 Found one...outside of Wal-Mart of all places!
Tracking us? I thought they were time portals...kinda like a Delorean without the jiggawatts and 88mph....lolNYC Phone Booths Could Be Tracking You
The outdoor media company Titan, ad space broker for 5,000 New York City phone kiosks, has installed some 500 people-tracking “beacons” in phone booths throughout the Big Apple, BuzzFeed reported Monday, and while the city’s Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications OK’d the installation, the public was never apprised of the plan.
What is Superman going to do?View attachment 17963 Found one...outside of Wal-Mart of all places!
Those are exactly like the switchboards at Ohio Bell where I worked right out of high school.......only I was a long distance operator, not information. We looked down on the information operators. They didn't have to train as long as we did.
Soooo jealous right now!!View attachment 17977 Nice frosty, South Hampton double white!
Soon to be empty!Soooo jealous right now!!One of my top 3 favorite beers..
Thats why I got a growler full.Soooo jealous right now!!One of my top 3 favorite beers..and it's better on tap.
Soon to be empty!