Obama /McCain at Saddleback


Well-Known Member
Looking at this with some objectivity McCain's many years in National politics definitely shown through while Obama's short time on the national stage really exposed his inexperience with these type of debates. McCain really lived up to his "Straight talk express" slogan.

I personally believe this will become an even bigger problem for Obama as we go into the Presidential debate season as Obama relies heavily on his teleprompter. McCain is no great speaker, but his experience will ultimatly make him the victor in this election.


one reason people orginally like W. was he wasnt a great speaker, but when he did he was sincere and somewhat charming in a down country sort of way, he seemed like an everyday man, watched sports, worked on the ranch type thing

Obama can be a great orator when he knows whats going to be discussed, and he is well versed in his speach

to trully be presidential in speaking, you need to be sincere, quick, clear, consise, and inspirational.
Why do we remember FDR for Dec 7th 1941 is date that will live infamy, or there is nothing to fear but fear itself. or kennedy for saying we do not do things because they are easy we do them because they are hard or dont ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country.
They fit the guidlines quick, sincere,consise, and inspirational. those speaches led america through some hard and great times.
And in those terms, Mccain is just plain more presidential, Obama adds a lot of fluff to speaches that sound great, but blind people to what the subject at hand is


Well-Known Member
Oh please....I don't know what puts me to sleep faster:bloodshot:.....Watching golf on tv, or listening to John McLame deliver a speech or tell a story. Speaking of stories, MCcain's story about a "gun guard" drawing a cross in the sand and they were just two christians standing there, why didn't he ever mention this in recounting his experiences in 1973 for Us News and World Report, in a 12,000 word story, McCain didn’t tell this very moving one. And it just so happens that Alexander Solzhenitsyn told a very similar story in his 1973 book The Gulag Archipelago. And, as it turns out, McCain has written very favorably about the work of Solzhenitsyn.

For those who's counting...John McCain said "my friends" only 14 times at Rick Warren's church.


free at last.......
The next morning, I told my wife that McCain seemed to be answering the questions before they were even completed. I had a feeling that he either knew what would be asked or listened to Obamas' part of the interview. I began to wonder what would have happened if the order had been switched.

I'm to the point of not caring which one gets the job. I just want the present administration over with. Then I just hope things will take a turn for the better. If either one of them would look corporate America in the eye and say "Enough is enough", we might stand a chance. I'm not overly optimistic though.


Well-Known Member
The next morning, I told my wife that McCain seemed to be answering the questions before they were even completed. I had a feeling that he either knew what would be asked or listened to Obamas' part of the interview. I began to wonder what would have happened if the order had been switched.

I'm to the point of not caring which one gets the job. I just want the present administration over with. Then I just hope things will take a turn for the better. If either one of them would look corporate America in the eye and say "Enough is enough", we might stand a chance. I'm not overly optimistic though.

Damn straight! The next president needs to tell corporate America that enough is enough and they need to stop producing all the goods and services we need and desire which create jobs which keeps our economy churning. They need to stop earning profits and give all their money to a benevolent government who will always work in the people's best interests providing the goods and services they need in an efficient and cost effective manner.

Look, bottom line is no company is perfect as no human being is perfect, but the vast majority of corporations in and around this nation do business in an ethical manner. They pay taxes and create jobs which is good for society as a whole. They are all subject to the rule of law just like you and I are. They are all subject to fluctuations in prices in the free market just like everyone else. I don't get where all this hatred for corporations comes from as they are not our enemy.


You smell that?
You got all that from three words of his post? Wow.

I wasn't sure how to take what he said but thanks for interpreting it for me.


Staff member
The 3 people Obama would go to for advice: His mom, his grandmother, and Ted Kennedy! Do you really want someone who's running the country to get advice from any of those people????


Well-Known Member
The 3 people Obama would go to for advice: His mom, his grandmother, and Ted Kennedy! Do you really want someone who's running the country to get advice from any of those people????

He was holding out, I think he will have Pelosi on speed dial. How can you not like that???


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The 3 people Obama would go to for advice: His mom, his grandmother, and Ted Kennedy! Do you really want someone who's running the country to get advice from any of those people????

Wasn't it his "wife, grandmother and ?", And didn't Grandma get run over by a big bus?
And the answer is No I dont.


Staff member
You're right, Tooner, it was his wife, grandma, and then he went off naming names ending with Uncle Teddy (Kennedy).

I liked McCains answer WAY more. General Patreaus, John Lewis, and Meg Whitman.


Staff member
The next morning, I told my wife that McCain seemed to be answering the questions before they were even completed. I had a feeling that he either knew what would be asked or listened to Obamas' part of the interview.

Yikes, there's a conspiracy theory! You can't really mean that.
McCain was on the ball that night, that's for sure. Obama....well, maybe he was just tired.


I just watched the 2 hours with the 2 candidates. McCain came off more presidential to me. His answers were direct, succinct and quick. Obama's answers made me feel like I was being baffled with bullchit.

Experience rules !!

I agree....McCain came off as a more knowable, A candidate best suited to run that office. :detective