OBrien Sends a Clear Message!


Well-Known Member
I agree that the last contract was a big step backwards. We all need to remember that the damage inflicted via the passing of said contract was friendly fire. The company was ready to get back to the table. Jr. found the loophole, forced it on us and the rest is history. I think realistically it is going to be very difficult, almost impossible, to completely remove the damaging concessions from the last contract for this very reason. One approach would be to fight for huge raises, limiting the % of 22.4 drivers, closing the pay gap between 22.4 and RPCD, limiting the use of PVD’s, strengthen 9.5 language, 2 more PH in lieu of MLK/19th, higher PT start wage with no MRA allowed, remove inward camera…..etc. Just my thoughts,…I hope a strong contract that Is financially rewarding is reached.


Never bought my own handtruck
Not exactly what I meant. I don't want the company to be able to pick and choose shifts and types of members and then also have the ability to take it away as they please.
Agreed, but with inflation and labor markets evolving like they have, this is a slippery slope. The contract should go back to being three years, to be more able to adapt to current conditions.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Settle down wally I was just being facetious. Certainly you can say many of us are doing well. It would be great to leave the next group better off when we are, we can’t do that by just accepting whatever the company tells us it’s good for us we have to push back and get the best deal possible does that make sense to you or is it difficult? Mistakes made by previous administrations cannot be taken back, but they do not have to be made again. Having an “I got mine” attitude does not get that.
Every man for themselves!


Well-Known Member
Ummm, yes we DON’T want the Company to pay more than we negotiated??? Gtfo here!
We want the company to pay what they should be paying to attract workers in the most expensive labor markets in the country, to workers in all markets across the 50 states. 1 starting rate, 365 days per year.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
What is he going to give up to get all the stuff he wants? I'm in complete support and i hope the hourlies get EVERYTHING on the list but I dont see UPS saying "Okay,here you go,you guys work hard we want you happy!"
Exactly what I was wondering! Didn’t see anything about catching our full timers up with inflation in there. Joke!


Yeah, I'm a road hog
Instead of starting another thread I thought I'd add to this one.

View attachment 414046
I get we're after MLK day but this again just annoys me about the lack of the IBTs planning. Just like the 9.5 day this wasn't very thought out.

Let's have a rally about low PT pay, 22.4s, excessive over time... On a Monday that usually half the PTers don't work, 22.4s don't work and pretty much the work force is almost half what it is the rest of the week.

I'm sorry it's just poor planning in my mind. I can just hear someone in the IBT...

"Hey let's have a rally! I know let's do it on MLK day."

"That's brilliant! Let's not put any thought into it. Susan send out the fliers please."
Agreed. Around here Wednesday is typically the heavier day of the week. Plus, you'll be 3 days into the "official" end of peak so there shouldn't be any PVD's floating around looking for work or available to management to use.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. Around here Wednesday is typically the heavier day of the week. Plus, you'll be 3 days into the "official" end of peak so there shouldn't be any PVD's floating around looking for work or available to management to use.
PVDs can't work here past Dec 31st