Hardly, it shows that if the government takes less it can get more. At some point in the future if the government can get its fiscal house in order that higher revenue can he translated into more tax cuts and an even more free society.
REALLY! Since 1980' republicans have continued to make that claim but let's look at the facts. Yes, revenues have indeed gone up but yet republicans (not that democrats didn't get their licks in) have only borrowed even more money on top of the increased tax revenue and even worse has grown gov't to such an extent that gov't direct costs to taxpayers have only gone up year to year to make any increase in revenue meaningless. In that fiscal environment, it's impossible to, how did you put it?
At some point in the future if the government can get its fiscal house in order that higher revenue can he translated into more tax cuts and an even more free society.
Funny how the Bush tax cuts increased revenue (Obama so far has left them in place) and yet the debt zoomed and this during a period when republicans controlled the WH, both houses of Congress and even a clear majority of Supreme Court justices and yet the debt went up, gov't got bigger so has that limited gov't, fiscal responsibility myth working out for ya?
And you wonder why Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, co-founder of Reaganomics and David Stockman, Reagan's Director of OMB have both called the Reagan years a farce and a fraud when it comes to it's fiscal responsibility claims. You love to call some here kool-aid drinkers and on some levels you are correct but belly up to the bar there baby boy because you've had your own snoot fulls too!
And the OWS protestors are just a bunch of brainwashed idiots? Appears it takes one to know one!