Occupy Wall Street


golden ticket member
I had to laugh when the 60 Minutes reporter asked Pelosi if she thought that practice of congress people trading would be wrong. Instead of just saying yes or no, she said, "We don't do it." Guilty !!


Well-Known Member
Demonization of the occupy protests is in full swing now. The violence in Oakland was just what some people needed to start the narrative change that we are beginning to see. The Washington Post is running stories about occupy violence. Fox news accused occupy protestors of knocking over an old lady. (Complete :censored2:, of course.) There are stories about evil drug users and sexual violence galore. Or you could just read The Heritage Foundation’s little wrap up. I was going to write about how frustrating it is when things are going well and some buttheads come along and get into unwise confrontations, losing us immeasurable good will. I was going to ask how we can keep clueless people or sabateurs from doing things that media will use to demonize everyone. Basically, I was going to write about how to deal with bad actors.
But that is a trap. Those things need to be discussed. We need to keep people safe, preferably without involving police. We need to block people who are out to sabatage us. But we are never going to be able to control everyone’s actions or prevent people from doing dumb things near us or in our name. We will never be able to control the national media narrative. It isn’t in their interest. Chris Hedges is right.
It is vital that the occupation movements direct attention away from their encampments and tent cities, beset with the usual problems of hastily formed open societies where no one is turned away. Attention must be directed through street protests, civil disobedience and occupations toward the institutions that are carrying out the assaults against the 99 percent. Banks, insurance companies, courts where families are being foreclosed from their homes, city offices that put these homes up for auction, schools, libraries and firehouses that are being closed, and corporations such as General Electric that funnel taxpayer dollars into useless weapons systems and do not pay taxes, as well as propaganda outlets such as the New York Post and its evil twin, Fox News, which have unleashed a vicious propaganda war against us, all need to be targeted, shut down and occupied. Goldman Sachs is the poster child of all that is wrong with global capitalism, but there are many other companies whose degradation and destruction of human life are no less egregious.
So instead I would like to focus on some of the things we are doing right, the things we need more of.

Occupying the Narrative


Für Meno :)
Alberta labour leaders rally with Occupy demonstrators

Occupy Calgary got a boost from local labour leaders this weekend.
Dozens of union supporters and demonstrators joined the the Olympic Plaza group Saturday and rallied for labour solidarity outside Calgary's City Hall.

The Alberta Federation of Labour’s Terry Inigo-Jones said joining the Occupy movement was a natural fit.
“They're fighting for some of the same issues that we've been fighting for for nearly 100 years, so we've issued statements of support for them,” he said.

This week, the Occupy Edmonton group received a $7,500 donation from Occupy Wall Street for winterized tents.
Edmonton had its first snowfall of the year early Saturday morning, and demonstrators there vow they will wait out the winter.

Got to give these people some credit, if they are willing to stay out there at minus 30C below and colder (currently minus 12C at night), I have respect for them !


Well-Known Member
Alberta labour leaders rally with Occupy demonstrators

Occupy Calgary got a boost from local labour leaders this weekend.
Dozens of union supporters and demonstrators joined the the Olympic Plaza group Saturday and rallied for labour solidarity outside Calgary's City Hall.

The Alberta Federation of Labour’s Terry Inigo-Jones said joining the Occupy movement was a natural fit.
“They're fighting for some of the same issues that we've been fighting for for nearly 100 years, so we've issued statements of support for them,” he said.

This week, the Occupy Edmonton group received a $7,500 donation from Occupy Wall Street for winterized tents.
Edmonton had its first snowfall of the year early Saturday morning, and demonstrators there vow they will wait out the winter.

Got to give these people some credit, if they are willing to stay out there at minus 30C below and colder (currently minus 12C at night), I have respect for them !

Breaking news!! NYPD are destroying OWS in NYC!! The Empire Strikes Back!! To be continued...


Well-Known Member
Now the Empire is invoking the use of media blackout.

Historically, what kind of gov't have we been taught uses the suppression of media as an end towards a means?

Nazi Germany (1933-1945)

In 1933 Freedom of the Press was suppressed in Germany by the Reichstag Fire Decree of President Paul Von Hindenburg, just as Adolf Hitler was coming to power. Hitler largely suppressed freedom of the press through Joseph Goebbels' Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. As the Ministry's name implies, propaganda did not carry the negative connotations that it does today (or that it did in the Allied countries); how-to manuals were openly distributed by that same ministry explaining the craft of effective propaganda. The Ministry also acted as a central control-point for all media, issuing orders as to what stories could be run and what stories would be suppressed. Anyone involved in the film industry—from directors to the lowliest assistant—had to sign an oath of loyalty to the Nazi Party, due to opinion-changing power Goebbels perceived movies to have. (Goebbels himself maintained some personal control over every single film made in Nazi Europe.) Journalists who crossed the Propaganda Ministry were routinely imprisoned or shot as traitors. The Sicherheitsdienst and other Nazi police organizations also created a network of internal, domestic spying, so that for example, the White Rose Society was in constant fear of discovery and execution.



Well-Known Member
"Your right to peaceably assemble for the redress of grievances, and how you may do it, and what you may say, will be defined by the police power of the state, backed by its political establishment and the business elite. They will define "acceptable" forms of public protest, even (and especially) public protest against them. This is the way it is now. This is the way it has been for some time. It's just that people didn't notice. And that was the problem with the Occupy protests. They resisted the marginalization - both literal physical marginalization, and the kind of intellectual marginalization that keeps real solutions to real problems out of our kabuki political debates. They could not be ignored."

A Militarized Force Takes to Zuccotti for the Economic Elite


Staff member
Police Begin Clearing Zuccotti Park of Protesters

then these same protesters had a lawyer ask a judge to granted a temporary restraining order ?
An anti-government group used the powers of the government that they object to, to continue their cause.
How uncivilized of them.
I wonder if Ghandi or Mandela ever changed society through existing political and legal structure. In question form, does everything have to be torn down in order to be changed? (We know what you think, Wk.) Or maybe it's not "anti-government" in the first place.


Strength through joy
peaceful protesters, ya right.

Occupy Wall Street: “On November 17th, We’re Gonna Burn NYC To The ****ing Ground, See What a Molotov Cocktail Can Do To Macy’s”…
On the 17th, we going to burn New York City to the friend-cking ground.
Ain’t no more talking, They got guns we got bodies. They got bricks we got rocks. Let’s see what they got.
[Young man in the background] They got missiles, we got bombs.
I want them…I want them to make that decision so they can see…in a few days you going to see what a molotov cocktail can do to Macy’s.

Via Verum Serum:
