And "pay " for policing??? I already pay taxes for them to do their jobs!! So now even freedom of speech and assembly are for sale?? So if a group of poor people want to gather and protest something , they cannot but some fat cats want to gather, etc they can?? This is what is so wrong about our current system. The 1% own most of the wealth in this country; they own the media ;they own the politicians. We the 99% have no way to vote against this rapacious corporate oligarchy. We live in a system where the rights of its citizens are irrelevent now. That is why OWS is such a threat to this corrupt elite. They are ripping the curtain open for all to see and learn. That is why they say that this is just the beginning of the movement. The goal isnt to get anyone elected next year (alas dems). That would be a waste of time.
The goal it seems is to overturn our present "inverted totalitarian system" where power is hidden in the anonimity of the corporate state. It means "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"!! Even the Tea baggers understand some of this. They blame government for all our troubles. But they are only half right. Government is the problem when it is controlled by an oligarchic elite that ignores the 99% of us. The power elite allow both "parties" to fight it out on the cultural issues in order to divide and conquer the 99% of us: go ahead fight about abortion or gays or guns or god, as long as you dont question who runs this country and for who's benefit
And of course the oligarchy and their establishment media are constantly asking : "what are your demands?" They want to know our demands because they want to channel them back into our dead system so that they can move on to something really important for us to be interested in like michael jackson's doctor!! Believe me the demands will come in time. No one wants to play into their slimy hands. So stop asking for them!! It is time to pick sides here. Are you with the 1% or are you with the 99%??
The goal it seems is to overturn our present "inverted totalitarian system" where power is hidden in the anonimity of the corporate state. It means "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"!! Even the Tea baggers understand some of this. They blame government for all our troubles. But they are only half right. Government is the problem when it is controlled by an oligarchic elite that ignores the 99% of us. The power elite allow both "parties" to fight it out on the cultural issues in order to divide and conquer the 99% of us: go ahead fight about abortion or gays or guns or god, as long as you dont question who runs this country and for who's benefit
And of course the oligarchy and their establishment media are constantly asking : "what are your demands?" They want to know our demands because they want to channel them back into our dead system so that they can move on to something really important for us to be interested in like michael jackson's doctor!! Believe me the demands will come in time. No one wants to play into their slimy hands. So stop asking for them!! It is time to pick sides here. Are you with the 1% or are you with the 99%??