Occupy Wall Street


Well-Known Member
And "pay " for policing??? I already pay taxes for them to do their jobs!! So now even freedom of speech and assembly are for sale?? So if a group of poor people want to gather and protest something , they cannot but some fat cats want to gather, etc they can?? This is what is so wrong about our current system. The 1% own most of the wealth in this country; they own the media ;they own the politicians. We the 99% have no way to vote against this rapacious corporate oligarchy. We live in a system where the rights of its citizens are irrelevent now. That is why OWS is such a threat to this corrupt elite. They are ripping the curtain open for all to see and learn. That is why they say that this is just the beginning of the movement. The goal isnt to get anyone elected next year (alas dems). That would be a waste of time.

The goal it seems is to overturn our present "inverted totalitarian system" where power is hidden in the anonimity of the corporate state. It means "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,"!! Even the Tea baggers understand some of this. They blame government for all our troubles. But they are only half right. Government is the problem when it is controlled by an oligarchic elite that ignores the 99% of us. The power elite allow both "parties" to fight it out on the cultural issues in order to divide and conquer the 99% of us: go ahead fight about abortion or gays or guns or god, as long as you dont question who runs this country and for who's benefit

And of course the oligarchy and their establishment media are constantly asking : "what are your demands?" They want to know our demands because they want to channel them back into our dead system so that they can move on to something really important for us to be interested in like michael jackson's doctor!! Believe me the demands will come in time. No one wants to play into their slimy hands. So stop asking for them!! It is time to pick sides here. Are you with the 1% or are you with the 99%??


Nine Lives
My point was you cannot put a price on the protesters expressing themselves, ok freedom of speech and assembly. But democracy is part of what is being spoken about out on the streets. Democracy is supposed to be government in which all have an equal say in decisions that affect our lives. Currently we do not. We have a small oligarchy which decides for us: they decide the issues that are "debated" and pick who we are to decide from (brand D or brand R). A matter of fact next year's election has already been decided before you or I have even voted. Whoever wins (Obama or Romney) is already bought and paid for by Wall St/corporate america. So the 99% of us have already lost and the 1% have already won.

The US is not a Democracy.
It is a Democratic Republic in which elected officials make the laws and rules and we have to live by them.
If we want the laws changed, we have to vote people into office that will make those changes.

Whether you or I agree with this system - it is the system.


Well-Known Member
The US is not a Democracy.
It is a Democratic Republic in which elected officials make the laws and rules and we have to live by them.
If we want the laws changed, we have to vote people into office that will make those changes.

Whether you or I agree with this system - it is the system.

We are a democratic republic (in theory). In reality we have a oligarchic system of rulers who claim they "represent" us. They keep telling us voting will cure everything. Sure keep voting for the two puppets every 2 or 4 or 6 years. Keep buying into our dead system. Next year you wil vote for one corporate shill or the other. And in the following election you will vote for the other "party". It is currently unfixable as is. Again as the Declaration of Independence states: " That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government!!"


Nine Lives
We are a democratic republic (in theory). In reality we have a oligarchic system of rulers who claim they "represent" us. They keep telling us voting will cure everything. Sure keep voting for the two puppets every 2 or 4 or 6 years. Keep buying into our dead system. Next year you wil vote for one corporate shill or the other. And in the following election you will vote for the other "party". It is currently unfixable as is. Again as the Declaration of Independence states: " That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government!!"

That is true.
There is a means to amend the Constitution, to change laws and even to replace the Constitution with another form of government.

PS - The Declaration of Independence has no legal relevance. It is a nice, inspiring document though.


Well-Known Member
Writing at Fareed Zakaria’s GPS blog at CNN.com, the Peterson Institute’s Gary Hufbauer and Martin Vieiro undertake to defend big business as “good for America,” contending that the recent backlash against it is “based on three common misconceptions about major U.S. corporations.”
Hufbauer and Vieiro argue that Americans misunderstand the importance of big business in innovation, that Americans’ ideas about “small places with big ideas” are a bit too sentimental.
Their case, a fairly standard and oft-repeated one among apologists for neoliberalism (i.e., neocolonialism) and corporate globalization, maintains that innovation and technological advancement require huge amalgamations of capital and worldwide scale. As the story goes, big business — ostensibly “better placed to capture economies of scale and scope” — are more capable of efficiently integrating all of the moving parts necessary to compete in the global economy.
According to this account, “the Bigs” achieved their size and ascendency through the sacrosanct traditions of free enterprise, serving consumers in ways that the old mom-and-pop simply cannot. But as physicist Brian Greene recently remarked in a radio interview, “Our explanations have to meet our observations.” The narrative related by these champions of big business would be compelling enough but for a fact completely disregarded in their column – that the “competitiveness” they recount is nowhere to be found among big business.
Though you wouldn’t know it from reading Hufbauer and Vieiro’s ode to the giant multinational, big business benefits from myriad forms of anti-competitive, state-granted privileges that screen it from the “small places” the authors play down. From regulatory barriers to the “informal economy” of the home, to direct and indirect subsidies and suffocating intellectual property laws, big business doesn’t have to compete.

Big Business: Good for America?


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Your not leading me to believe that President Obama would Bamboozle us. [His word} Don't start calling me a racist !!


Well-Known Member
Again I am a Teamster and a Tea Party member, no way is OWS like the Tea Party, when we have rally's no garbage is left behind, nothing illegal going on, most members are middle aged or older where as the OWS is mainly college students, who can deny that our children are being indoctrinated into Socialism and communism in our college's and University's! try this find any college or Univ. go there and ask some question's from the students you might be lucky to leave unharmed.


golden ticket member
Again I am a Teamster and a Tea Party member, no way is OWS like the Tea Party, when we have rally's no garbage is left behind, nothing illegal going on, most members are middle aged or older where as the OWS is mainly college students, who can deny that our children are being indoctrinated into Socialism and communism in our college's and University's! try this find any college or Univ. go there and ask some question's from the students you might be lucky to leave unharmed.
It's kind of easy to see the differences between OWS & Tea Party.......just keep score
T.B. Outbreak?
Flag desecration?
pooping on the ground?

The tea party scores -0- on all these aspects. Can't say the same for OWS.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of easy to see the differences between OWS & Tea Party.......just keep score
T.B. Outbreak?
Flag desecration?
pooping on the ground?

The tea party scores -0- on all these aspects. Can't say the same for OWS.

Biggest difference: the tea "party" is over; OWS has just begun!!

Another difference: tea baggers funded by the fat cats; OWS takes on the fat cats!!

Another difference: tea baggers just went home to their gated communities; OWS isnt leaving until the system is fixed - they arent running away!!

As for violence at some of these occupations, look to the cops. It was the thuggish cops who brutally shot tear gas cannisters directly at protesters. They hit an Iraq war veteran with one of their shots and then continue firing at the people trying to attend to the fallen soldier. Shame on the Oakland cops!!

Arrests?? It goes with the territory. Martin L King was arrested numerous times. Justice does not come easy!!

Assaults?? By the cops??

Drugs?? So the tea baggers dont drink beer or martinis?? Please

Flag desecration?? Sending our soldiers overseas for oil is not desecrating the flag??

Pooping on the ground?? A decent government would provide their own citizens/voters with facilities!!