The Pleasantdale Hub is a lot larger and in that general area. Its at the first exit off I-85 just North of Spaghetti Junction.
So I went by the Pleasantdale hub today - it is huge! I then went across the street to the HR office but it was like hitting a brick wall. Walked in, explained that I didn't have an appointment (cause it said "appointment only" or something on the outside) I had a print-out from the job app page on the website and tried to ask what it meant, but all they kept saying was "we don't accept resumes, apply online". Well I had applied online, and this printout is the error message that I got and no one has responded to my email inquiry ( I didn't say that because I'm respectful of their procedures, I knew it was time to leave pronto). Which is perfectly ok with me, I'll just wait for an appointment/interview session to open up (if I'll ever even know when that happens)