Official Canada Thread with Current News

Darn it. That global warming is happening in Canada, too.

Actually it's not. It's just the warming caused by those loser Americans rising into Canada. Once that pathetic country "Occupys" itself and their society collapses the weather should cool again as they won't be able to afford heat down there.


Für Meno :)
Another change in our currency this Spring :

Hey Canada, can you spare a nickel? Steel yourself for new loonies, toonies

OTTAWA - Steel yourself, Canada, new one-dollar and two-dollar coins are about to become the latest version of the proverbial plugged nickel.
In an effort to save taxpayers about $16 million annually, new versions of the loonie and toonie will be introduced this spring made from steel, replacing the more expensive nickel found in the current versions of the coins.

The Canada Gazette says the current coins cost about 30 cents each to produce, while Kim says he's been told the new loonies and toonies will cost between four cents and six cents apiece.

Consumers likely won't notice the weight difference, but the Canada Gazette states that a truck load of the new loonies will weigh 980 kilos less than the old version, and 286 kilos less for a truck full of toonies, thus "improving fuel efficiency of transportation and reducing the carbon footprint of delivering coins to the Canadian public."


Another change in our currency this Spring :

Hey Canada, can you spare a nickel? Steel yourself for new loonies, toonies

OTTAWA - Steel yourself, Canada, new one-dollar and two-dollar coins are about to become the latest version of the proverbial plugged nickel.
In an effort to save taxpayers about $16 million annually, new versions of the loonie and toonie will be introduced this spring made from steel, replacing the more expensive nickel found in the current versions of the coins.

The Canada Gazette says the current coins cost about 30 cents each to produce, while Kim says he's been told the new loonies and toonies will cost between four cents and six cents apiece.

Consumers likely won't notice the weight difference, but the Canada Gazette states that a truck load of the new loonies will weigh 980 kilos less than the old version, and 286 kilos less for a truck full of toonies, thus "improving fuel efficiency of transportation and reducing the carbon footprint of delivering coins to the Canadian public."

What does the Canada Gazette have to say about the carbon footprint of pulling all that oil out of those oil sands???


Für Meno :)
I predict both pipelines will be built, and that both projects will be under way later this year.
It's actually more difficult to get the Northgateway pipeline a go ahead then the Keystone to Texas.

The one heading to BC goes thru more than a dozen (more like 2 dozen), Indian reservations and their land, (which is actually much shorter in distance) then all the way to Texas, because those Natives will want lots of dollars, and maybe even some royalty fees !


Strength through joy
VANCOUVER, Canada – For years, Canada has had one of the most generous immigration policies in the world, welcoming tens of thousands of asylum applicants who claim to be fleeing persecution in their homelands.
But Canada’s Conservative government has begun rolling up the welcome mat, stepping up efforts to track down and deport thousands of asylum-seekers whose applications have been denied.
The clampdown is likely to be felt not just across Canada, but in the United States.

The most dramatic change is set to take effect at the end of June, with a $540 million "balanced refugee reform" program designed to speed up the asylum review process and start slicing through a backlog of more than 42,000 refugee cases, many of which have been awaiting a decision for years.
The tough new timelines call for asylum applicants to be given a hearing within 90 days or even less for refugees from some countries, with most appeals heard within an additional 120 days, accompanied by stepped-up enforcement to eject those who fail to prove they would be persecuted if sent home.


Well-Known Member
Ex-premier assails PQ's 'toxic' formula for Quebec independence

What is this about?
Ex-premier assails PQ's 'toxic' formula for Quebec independence.


Für Meno :)
Ex-premier assails PQ's 'toxic' formula for Quebec independence

What is this about?
Ex-premier assails PQ's 'toxic' formula for Quebec independence.

Too complicated to even write about, it would take a whole page for me to write about.
In short the Bloc Quebecor (separist party) lost tons of seats in last years federal election - now this wild french-canadian woman wants to change Quebec without voters having a say ! (making Quebec it's own country).

Will never happen, but they can leave anytime in my opinion. Call it then Mexico North, but only french speaking instead of spanish. Because without federal help, that's what will happen to them.


Too complicated to even write about, it would take a whole page for me to write about.
In short the Bloc Quebecor (separist party) lost tons of seats in last years federal election - now this wild french-canadian woman wants to change Quebec without voters having a say ! (making Quebec it's own country).

Will never happen, but they can leave anytime in my opinion. Call it then Mexico North, but only french speaking instead of spanish. Because without federal help, that's what will happen to them.

Perhaps one day, the U.S will help liberate these oppressed people from the clutches of the Anti-Christ, Steven Joseph Harper.


Für Meno :)
What we Canadians Have to be Proud of?

1. Smarties (not sold in the USA )
2. Crispy Crunch, Coffee Crisp (not sold in the USA )
3. The size of our footballs fields, one less down, and bigger balls.
4. Baseball is Canadian - 1st game June 4, 1838 - Ingersoll, ON
5. Lacrosse is Canadian
6. Hockey is Canadian
7. Basketball is Canadian
8. Apple pie is Canadian
9. Mr. Dress-up beats Mr. Rogers
10. Tim Hortons beats Dunkin' Donuts
11. In the war of 1812, started by Americans, Canadians pushed the Americans back past their White House.
Then we burned it, and most of Washington ...
We got bored because they ran away.
Then, we came home and partied....
Go figure.
12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany .
13. We have the largest English population that never Ever surrendered or withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. EVER!
(We got clobbered in the odd battle but prevailed in ALL the wars)
14. Our civil war was fought in a bar and lasted a little over an hour.
15. The only person who was arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary, he slept in and missed the whole thing
He showed up just in time to get caught.
16. A Canadian invented Standard Time.
17. The Hudsons Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and is still around as the world's oldest company.
18. The average dog sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in under 3 minutes.
(That's more information than I need!)
19. We know what to do with the parts of a buffalo.
20. We don't marry our kin-folk....
21. We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, Velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin and the telephone..
Also short wave radios which save countless lives each year.
22. We have ALL frozen our tongues to something metal and lived to tell about it.
23. A Canadian invented Superman.
24. We have coloured money.
25. Oil was first produced in Oil Springs, Ontario, Canada. Months before anywhere else in North America.
OOOoohhhhh..... Canada !!
Oh yeah... And our elections only take one day!


Für Meno :)
Passenger ferry route between Cleveland and Ontario likely

Ontarians with a hankering for Salisbury steak may soon find it easier than ever to satisfy their craving.
Officials from Cleveland and nearby Port Stanley, Ont. are discussing a passenger ferry that would carry tourists and a select number of trucks across the Lake Erie divide as early as next year.


Well-Known Member
Defence agreements signed with U.S.
Canada and the U.S. have finalized one agreement and renewed another to better co-ordinate civilian and
military forces against threats. Defence Minister Peter MacKay, speaking Tuesday night to a group of defence
officials, diplomats and civil servants, said the two countries were expected Wednesday to renew
the Civil Assistance Plan and sign off on the Combined Defence Plan.

Defence agreements signed with U.S. - Canada - CBC News


Well-Known Member
Canada imports oil while battling over pipeline exports.
Proposals to build new pipelines to carry oilsands crude to the United States, or through British Columbia
for export to Asia, have sparked political battles between environmentalists and politicians on both sides of the border.
But the debates have also focused attention on how Canada uses the oil that it has.
Canada exports about two-thirds of its oil to the United States— while half of the oil used in Canada is imported from other countries.

Canada imports oil while battling over pipeline exports - Politics - CBC News


Für Meno :)
Canada imports oil while battling over pipeline exports.
Proposals to build new pipelines to carry oilsands crude to the United States, or through British Columbia
for export to Asia, have sparked political battles between environmentalists and politicians on both sides of the border.
But the debates have also focused attention on how Canada uses the oil that it has.
Canada exports about two-thirds of its oil to the United States— while half of the oil used in Canada is imported from other countries.

Canada imports oil while battling over pipeline exports - Politics - CBC News

OH, I know that too well, I believe Quebec is the largest oil importer along with Ontario.
Like the article reads, they don't have refineries there, or not enough.
Besides the distance - a flight distance is 1800 miles, driving distance add another 25%, pipeline add about 50% (out of harms ways, avoiding farms that don't want it, etc).
To Montreal (Quebec) add another 1000 miles !

Look at Alaska ! That was odd ! They ran out of oil ! Had to wait until a Russian Oil Tanker broke it's way thru ice !
The world is crazy !

I never knew Alaska was an oil importer until now !
Even though the long Alaska oil pipeline heading south to mainland USA .


Für Meno :)

Single Bieber tweet makes big difference
The teen idol may have saved lives with the single click of a button on Twitter. Effects especially felt in Ontario