Für Meno :)
Cute article, tailor made for the Canadian Audience with the detail about where their country ranks on that list(info about the criteria and just how they are weighted is not provided by the way), as well with the info that all Canadians want to know: how America is ranked.
This is so true about Canadians in general( yes some exceptions): they are just so fascinated with America. For example, if there were no laws on the books regarding Canadian radio stations, not a single Canadian performer would be heard as the Canadian listening audience would only want to hear Americans singing. So the laws are there to ram something into the ears of people who don't want to hear it. And like good little sheeple, they don't complain.
Sorry, Ds, he's inadvertently hiding behind you but I have to take my shots.
Oh by the way, as of the noon exchange rate, the Canadian Dollar is only worth 97 cents of American currency.
Must really suck traveling as a Canadian these days( if it sucked for us when your dollar was higher ,Klein, then it must suck for you when our dollar is higher).
Yup, we alwaays compare ourselves to other countries, esspecially our neighbour the USA.
I know the US media stays mostly away from comparison their neighbor (must be a reason).
As for songs playing on the radio, you are right, that 15 or 20% of radio songs must be from Canadian artists.
But, we as a country also have the second highest people in the entertainment sector on this world.
If we don't listen to the songs here from Canadian artists, then we hear them from the Superbowl or in Vegas (Celine Dion), or in American movies (Titanic / Celion Dion - Bryan Adams / Robin Hood).
Other great singers and bands include the "Guess Who", "BTO", Shania Twain, Nickleback, just to name a few out of hundreds of famous Canadian singers.
As far as the Canadian dollar goes, we are more than happy with a 90cent to a US dollar.
Everytime we get near the par per dollar, it really hurts our manufacturing sector.
We do earn more money here, then US workers.
Our minimum wage is even higher then you pay part timers at UPS there !
Besides, a dollar value doesn't mean diddly - You think Greece is better off then America because they have a Euro that is worth apprx $1.30 per US buck ? Or England at around $1.50 per pound against the greenback ?