OH well, what can I say ? The 2 richest countries on earth think alike !They weren't thinking alike, they were following the same marching orders.
(and no, moreluck, it's doesn't go by GDP) ! Oh Golly Gee, so let us see in the next paragraph, what the all omniscient Klein thinks it goes by.
What was the latest data ? Every single Canadian is worth $195.000 in national worth. okay, so I guess it goes by national worth.
Every single US citizen owns about $55.000 in national debt ! oh , now it goes by national debt? Comparing apples to oranges , are you Klein?
look at this link :
Canada's National Debt Clock : The Canadian Taxpayers Federation Looks like the national debt per Canadian Citizen is about $16,900 , round that up to 17,000. So while better than the average American citizen, it appears that you , My Dear Mr. Klein, along with all of your fellow Canadians , are on the negative side of the ledger.
No big deal, only a $260.000 spread between each child, woman, man. According to share of national debt per citizen, the spread is only $38,000 between a Canadian citizen and a US citizen.
Or a family of 4 just over a $1 million difference. right ? WRONG!, yet again.
So, where is the GDP you mentioned? Gross Domestic Product. Drink another !!OH well, what can I say ? The 2 richest countries on earth think alike !
(and no, moreluck, it's doesn't go by GDP) !
What was the latest data ? Every single Canadian is worth $195.000 in national worth.
Every single US citizen owns about $55.000 in national debt !
No big deal, only a $260.000 spread between each child, woman, man.
Or a family of 4 just over a $1 million difference. right ?
shhh, he whose name must not be mentioned has not been seen in days , don't encourage him to show up again.
shhh, he whose name must not be mentioned has not been seen in days , don't encourage him to show up again.
Right at the Beer tent - barter traded - cold beer for hotdogs !(Beer was $6 a can ) !