Clip wows viewers: 'Canadian police are the best'
A Mountie caught a group of friends shredding in the woods — so he did what no one expected.
The video posted by a user who lives in Lethbridge in southern Alberta shows a group of friends camping in the woods with their band gear when a cop car pulls up.
The posting says the chums thought they'd done something wrong when the officer came over, but he grabbed a guitar and played a bit before jumping behind a drum set.
The video entitled "Coolest Cop Ever Playing Drums in the Woods" isn't clear where the jam session happened.
Now called 'Coolest Cop Ever'
(if you do watch the video - make sure to watch the last 2 minutes) - I'm wondering if the cop will be in trouble - because you even see open beer laying around - which is illegal here on public land).
This just in: Cop plays guitar in woods as gay porn star dismembers his lover and mails pieces across the country and then skips town. More at 10!