Oil reaching the Gulf Coast


Strength through joy


Unless it has changed...he is meeting with just the Chairman of the Board of BP and not the CEO and i think its on the 16th of June. My guess is the Obama will ask that they cut the dividend to make it look like they care and also to help make Obama look like he is doing something....which is actually nothing because the Messiah is in way over his head and it shows.

Yep this one is not only an economic disaster for him, but an environmental one as well as a foriegn policy one. His attacks on BP calling them british petroleum when they no longer go by that name is being viewed as an attack on britan.


Well-Known Member
Yep this one is not only an economic disaster for him, but an environmental one as well as a foriegn policy one. His attacks on BP calling them british petroleum when they no longer go by that name is being viewed as an attack on britan.

So all of a sudden, because it's Obama, you have this epiphany that you care what other countries think of us....Tie, is that you bowing down to the UK:flowers::rofl:


golden ticket member
Breaking News: CNN just reported that BP replaced the oil well cap with a wedding ring and it has immediately stopped putting out. News at 11.


So all of a sudden, because it's Obama, you have this epiphany that you care what other countries think of us....Tie, is that you bowing down to the UK

to me its not an epiphany on foriegn relations though I do think we should have been more sensitive to a country that has shown us a lot of support. I'm actually watching Obama with morbid fascination. He has basically committed suicide shooting himself 8 times with a revolver that only holds six shots. I'm actually becoming a huge fan of his. No one president has ever come near the levels of incomptence that obama has mastered. He is quickly demonstrating genius at incompetence. what other idiot would pass a huge job killing , economy wrecking health care bill when the economy is struggling to dig out of a recession. :rofl:
what other idiot would make a speech promoting the need for war as he is accepting a noble peace prize he did not earn. This guy is entertaining as hell. I just hope my finances can survive this movie. :dance:


golden ticket member
Prez. says, "Gulf Coast seafood is safe to eat." And I'm suppose to believe him? What science degree does he hold? I saw film of people sniffing the shrimp and declaring them OK.......huh?


Für Meno :)
Oil Sardines.

Just as of now, according to CNN, the spill as of today is 13times larger then the Valdez.
They also raised the spill by barrels number to be between 35.000 - 60.000 daily.

I'll have to watch what Obama has to say in 90 minutes, when he adresses the nation. (6pm mst)


golden ticket member
Never let a good disaster go to waste....I'm sure he'll have some new snake oil to sell. Pay attention, he'll be selling or pushing something. I'd rather watch Kardashian re-runs!


Staff member
Breaking News: CNN just reported that BP replaced the oil well cap with a wedding ring and it has immediately stopped putting out. News at 11.

And after seeing the putrid ooze that defiled the "wet spot" America began to reconsider this sordid love afair with mother earth in the realization that "she can't hold her mud".