Looking at your secret super terrific ideas to screw up an OJS all I see is your standard basic ordinary correct delivery methods that the driver should be following anyway.
the point i was leading to is this. you posting here have to be careful that the advice you dispense does not give the wrong impression. A three day OJS ride is a serious event and If they think they can follow your posting here and somehow evade responsibility then they could get burned.
Most people will do a better job when observed regardless of how many little gimmicks they come up with to pad the day. Its human nature that you will relax less and hustle more when the man is following you around with a clipboard.
Some of the posters here give advice that indicates they have worked hard finding ways to pad the day. If they worked as hard finding creative but safe ways to get the packages delivered then they would never face the aggravation of a three day ride.
orangputeh response;
I don't think he was listing secret super terrific ideas. it was clear to me that he was encouraging drivers to use the methods we were trained to use to do our jobs professionally and safely.
It was a super terrific post.