
Well-Known Member
Go to the nearest major hospital near you and ask the pulmonologists and ER docs and nursing staff if they know anyone that has had a difficult recovery or needed to go to a hospital for a SARS-CoV-2 infection.
It's cute that you think anyone with a college degree and/or a uniform is your friend, incapable of mistakes, lying, or maintaining the status quo for all the wrong reasons.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It's cute that you think anything with a college degree and/or a uniform is your friend, incapable of mistakes, lying, or maintaining the status quo for all the wrong reasons.
Vaccinated people are dying! The vaccine is a joke! What happened to very effective? If you’re vaccinated you can’t get the virus? Those are Faucis own words, the liar.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Well over 70% of the new cases are unvaccinated. Well over 80% of the hospitalizations are unvaccinated. Those are the facts.
Doubtful. Who you going to believe? The lying media or your own eyes? Look outside the US too, majority of cases are vaccinated. And they’re spreading it. Get off CNN once in a while


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Maybe that will be the nail in HIS coffin; maybe the nail that makes the public say screw him and them, our eyes are open now. That release should be impeachment worthy by itself.
No way. Half the country would vote for Hitler is he were the Democrat nominee.


Strength through joy
Is it too late to throw up some stats ?

Despite 94.6% of NFL players being fully vaccinated, there were 58 players who tested positive for COVID-19 between Nov. 28 and Dec. 11.
NFL personnel are 100% vaccinated, but there were 50 cases in the same time period.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Is it too late to throw up some stats ?

Despite 94.6% of NFL players being fully vaccinated, there were 58 players who tested positive for COVID-19 between Nov. 28 and Dec. 11.
NFL personnel are 100% vaccinated, but there were 50 cases in the same time period.
Yeah, it’s rare for the vaccinated to catch it. 😂🤣


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Is it too late to throw up some stats ?

Despite 94.6% of NFL players being fully vaccinated, there were 58 players who tested positive for COVID-19 between Nov. 28 and Dec. 11.
NFL personnel are 100% vaccinated, but there were 50 cases in the same time period.
They do "huddle" together.


Strength through joy

The principal problem stems from the fact that, in many cases, it is proving impossible to have certain governments agree to indemnify the manufacturers from damages stemming from side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines.

The Driver

I drive.
Not really

Complete open borders
America is flawed and it sucks
Cradle to grave government.
Stone age living for the little people
Elites know better than you and deserve better
A) Complete open borders

Totally false. Borders are closed, the difference now is a humane way of dealing with immigrants and refuges and asylum seekers.

B) Cradle to grave government

God forbid we have some kind of social safety net and act like a civilization instead of always focusing on the needs and wants of massive corporations and the wealthy.

C) Stone Age living for the little people


D) Elites know better…

Yes, yes they do.