Only 5% of next car purchasers expect to buy all electric cars-Road and Track.


Well-Known Member
Here in the Northeast the bulk of our electricity comes from hydropower.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
We use more natural gas than hydro power in the northeast, way more.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lower-Emitting Resources Supply Most of the Region's Electricity. In 2021, natural-gas-fired generation, nuclear, other low- or no-emission sources, and imported electricity (mostly hydropower from Eastern Canada) provided of the region's electricity.



Well-Known Member
Keystone XL wasn't going to be done until 2024 at very earliest. The pipeline was 8 or 9% done when Biden shut it down. Keystone XL was also being built to haul the worst of the Canadian oils that was going to be shipped overseas because it's too expensive to refine in to gasoline.
you're trying to argue about dates? How about arguing about simple simon your president not doing anything?

why didnt he meet with the oil executives to fix the regulatory issues? why did he instead meet with the Saudi's to get them to pump more?

why is it his administration blames russia for oil price increases and does a victory dance when it drops from 5 to 4.5 a gallon?
does he know his people cant afford 4.5 either? Does he know sending our strategic oil reserves to other countries does nothing for us?

one thing about Trump you knew damn well everything we had would be used for us first. Bidens more worried about helping other countries than us.


Strength through joy
I'm talking about the supposed impending extinction of all ICE vehicles in America.
That will never happen.
There are some heavy duty vehicles that will never be EV.
Mostly construction & mining equipment along with associated vehicles that are needed.
And don't forget tow trucks will still be around to tow the EV when it runs out of juice.


Well-Known Member
That will never happen.
There are some heavy duty vehicles that will never be EV.
Mostly construction & mining equipment along with associated vehicles that are needed.
And don't forget tow trucks will still be around to tow the EV when it runs out of juice.
And everyone even misunderstand the goals.

Even if you have all new consumer sales being EV by 2030 or 2035, you still have 3/4 of the he cars on the road being gas.


Well-Known Member
That will never happen.
There are some heavy duty vehicles that will never be EV.
Mostly construction & mining equipment along with associated vehicles that are needed.
And don't forget tow trucks will still be around to tow the EV when it runs out of juice.
Actually, when an EV runs out of juice, it cannot be towed-----it has to be flatbedded (sp?).

My son and his family recently went on a trip to Florida and left their car in long term parking. I surprised them by meeting them at the airport in Albany when they came back home. He had inadvertently left his lights on and the battery had died. I offered to jump it but my DIL had already called to have airport maintenance do it. I am glad that they did as it could have damaged my EV.