Toyota is the biggest auto maker in the world my friend. The only thing ford does does better is market the f150, other then that they’re not ahead of them in anything. Toyota has already come out and said they are more interested in the hybrid area. They think that is where the best technology is at the moment. I read akio toyoda said a few months or so ago, the ev technology was not there yet for wide scale use. This is how the Japanese work, unlike musk and the other American companies, they get their product as close to perfect as they can, and then they release it, and fix whatever bugs come up. Bugs that only using the vehicle in real life situations can manufacture. If you think they are not perfecting the technology as we speak, and also laying out manufacturing plans, you are sadly mistaken. They didn’t become the worlds largest auto maker to just sit back and not compete in the future of automobiles, whatever that may be.