Orlando night club shooting


Well-Known Member
Everyone is a tough guy until they start hearing bullets wiz by them and start seeing bodies drop to the ground with blood and guts everywhere. Nobody truly knows what they would do until they are actually in that situation. So please save the tough guy talk and judgment, cuz its just bull :censored2:.

In a club packed with hundreds of people, no one thought to rush this DB?

Come on.

I get the confusion, the strobe lights, the Latin music, but seriously?

Again: the world changed after 9-11.

We can't stop all of the 'lone-wolf' terrorists, and we can't stop coordinated terrorists on our soil.

But we can try.


Well-Known Member
The crazy train left the station when people started suggesting the reason so many people died is because gay people are weak and "giant vaginas". And everybody seems to be ok with that assessment, seriously this community is friend'ed up.
I wonder why nobody tried to stop James Holmes in Aurora. Hmmm.......