Orlando night club shooting


Retired 23 years
I have a feeling if a shooting like this happened in Mn. there would be a couple dozen people in the crowd who would be conceal / carry people (Even though you aren't technically suppose to c/c in an establishment that sales liquor).


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling if a shooting like this happened in Mn. there would be a couple dozen people in the crowd who would be conceal / carry people (Even though you aren't technically suppose to c/c in an establishment that sales liquor).
Colorado is an open carry and cc state yet not one person tried to stop James Holmes while he reloaded continuously. If it happened in MN it would end just like every other mass shooting in any other state.


Retired 23 years
Colorado is an open carry and cc state yet not one person tried to stop James Holmes while he reloaded continuously. If it happened in MN it would end just like every other mass shooting in any other state.

with any luck we will never know


Retired 23 years
Colorado is an open carry and cc state yet not one person tried to stop James Holmes while he reloaded continuously. If it happened in MN it would end just like every other mass shooting in any other state.

Colorado, being an open "weed" state also, means no one probably had a clue what was happening.


Well-Known Member
Aside from GUN-FREE ZONES, how many mass-shootings have been stopped by a 'good-guy with a gun'?

Please write your Congressman, because we simply don't have this data.

If it's true that 'good guys with guns' stop bad guys with guns, then we need this data.

Why are Republicans terrified of data?

Is it the NRA?

Is it lobbyists?

Smith & Wesson?

Come on.


Retired 23 years
Aside from GUN-FREE ZONES, how many mass-shootings have been stopped by a 'good-guy with a gun'?

It seems like more and more I read of people stand up and protecting themselves. Usually its a young women or some grand motherly type who shoots some AAA-hole breaking into their house.


Well-Known Member
google it... it's out there!


I read "Rolling Stone".

They say that no mass shootings have been prevented by 'good guys with guns'.

Are they wrong?

Since Sandy Hook there have been over 800 mass shootings (defined by the FBI as four or more people selected indiscriminately and killed - not including the perp).

With so many examples, surely there are many examples where there was a cowboy who stopped the mass slaughter?




Well-Known Member
I've looked.

I can't find the 'good-guy-with-a-gun-stops-a-mass-shooting' scenario.

Seems like there are a few near misses though, like the potential 'good-guy' at the Gabby Giffords shooting who almost shot some other good guys...


Happy Verified UPSer
I've looked.

I can't find the 'good-guy-with-a-gun-stops-a-mass-shooting' scenario.

Seems like there are a few near misses though, like the potential 'good-guy' at the Gabby Giffords shooting who almost shot some other good guys...
how about world war 2 for just one example.