Orlando night club shooting

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
All religions are cults.
Europeans came here and overthrew all Native American "governments" and religions. Maybe as Islam takes over here we will know what it felt like.
As a woman, I think I'll pass. I kind of like having my freedoms that the suffragettes fought for.
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Explain to me how this latest idiot could have killed 49 people with his fists.
I'd like to ask the people who are hysterically demanding a ban on AR-15's a question.

Being that the gunman was barricaded indoors for over 2 hours and his victims were all unarmed...how would a ban on AR-15's have changed the outcome?

He could easily have killed just as many people in that time frame with an ordinary 12 gauge shotgun and a few boxes of 00 buckshot dumped into his pockets. Indeed, at close (indoors) range, 00 buck is more lethal than the .223 rounds from an AR.

When the victims are unarmed, the type of gun used is irrelevant.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
All religions are cults.
Europeans came here and overthrew all Native American "governments" and religions. Maybe as Islam takes over here we will know what it felt like.
All religions are not cults.

Cults punish you if you leave.

Cults teach hate toward non-cult members.

And Islam teaches it's followers to do whatever it takes to make Islam the only religion.

And Islam teaches it's followers to take over the world by killing, raping, stealing and lying.

What other religion teaches those things?
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nowhere special

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
All religions are not cults.

Cults punish you if you leave.

Cults teach hate toward non-cult members.

And Islam teaches it's followers to do whatever it takes to make Islam the only religion.

And Islam teaches it's followers to take over the world by killing, raping, stealing and lying.

What other religion teaches those things?
Modern religious cults and what liberals tend to associate with the word "cult" are definitely not one in the same.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
So, is Superman Trump going to fly-in after he's elected and prevent this kind of tragedy? You can't, that's the problem.
He can do much more than the maroon Obama has done. First off, his moratorium on letting Muslims into this country without being vetted is a start. When is the last time you heard a Christian say "In the name of God, I am going to murder all of these people?" You can call me a racist or whatever you want, but it's always Muslims committing these mass murders. So Muslims are the problem, not guns. Obama won't even allow the mosques to be monitored, when they know there are radical Muslims in those places. He is too afraid to offend anyone. Well, the time has come to batten down the hatches, and disregard whether or not someone's feeling are being hurt. You don't see Russia or China having a problem with these morons. Putin would string them all up and get rid of them. The Liberal politicians in this country are a bunch of wussies. Trump has the balls to do what needs to be done to clamp down on Muslim extremists, something Obama will not even say. Obama is a disgrace to this country. It's time to toughen up, and this country needs a tough leader, not a pansy.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Your only point was that the guy was just as American as you are me. He is not and I explained why

As I already explained.....he's an American on paper. Not at heart.

McVeigh's action were un-American. I've never heard anyone claim otherwise.

And stop comparing un-Americans to me. It's insulting.

WTF does Trump have to do with this shooting? NADA! Damn you liberals are a special kind of wacky today.
I have grow To absolutely hate the modern Liberal. They are the weakest form of life on earth, and have the mental capacity of a 2 year old. Unable to think on their own, they want everything done for them by the government, while a conservative looks to solve his or her problems on their own. Liberals consistently place blame on anything and everyone but themselves.


Engorged Member
He can do much more than the maroon Obama has done. First off, his moratorium on letting Muslims into this country without being vetted is a start. When is the last time you heard a Christian say "In the name of God, I am going to murder all of these people?" You can call me a racist or whatever you want, but it's always Muslims committing these mass murders. So Muslims are the problem, not guns. Obama won't even allow the mosques to be monitored, when they know there are radical Muslims in those places. He is too afraid to offend anyone. Well, the time has come to batten down the hatches, and disregard whether or not someone's feeling are being hurt. You don't see Russia or China having a problem with these morons. Putin would string them all up and get rid of them. The Liberal politicians in this country are a bunch of wussies. Trump has the balls to do what needs to be done to clamp down on Muslim extremists, something Obama will not even say. Obama is a disgrace to this country. It's time to toughen up, and this country needs a tough leader, not a pansy.

As a dummy, you're comparing apples and oranges. What do Russia and China have in common with us? 2 Communist societies not exactly known for human rights. Maybe you should move there to be safe from Islam.

Christians? In general, they're not savage killers like ISIS, but you still have your abortion bombers and Tim McVeigh's out there doing the Lord's work, don't you.



Engorged Member
All religions are not cults.

Cults punish you if you leave.

Cults teach hate toward non-cult members.

And Islam teaches it's followers to do whatever it takes to make Islam the only religion.

And Islam teaches it's followers to take over the world by killing, raping, stealing and lying.

What other religion teaches those things?

You're part of a cult, but too ignorant to realize it. So are your other brethren on here.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You're part of a cult, but too ignorant to realize it. So are your other brethren on here.
How are they treating you over at purple?


Should have applied at a union company like UPS.

You would have better pay, good healthcare benefits for you, your wife and your kids, and a pension and a 401k plan.

Why did you choose purple again?
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Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Yeah, this brain-dead Liberal would love to compare educational background(s) with you. I'll win. Speaking of cults, the Right Wing certainly qualifies as a cult, led by Rush, FOX, and the rest into groupthink retardation.
I'd be willing to bet that almost any Liberal has an IQ that far exceeds yours.
Typical liberal attitude. You think you are so intelligent, yet, can't see that 99% of your ideological methods are crippling to yourselves and your country. Freakin half wits is what most of you are. The rest are just uniformed/ill-advised.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
As a dummy, you're comparing apples and oranges. What do Russia and China have in common with us? 2 Communist societies not exactly known for human rights. Maybe you should move there to be safe from Islam.

Christians? In general, they're not savage killers like ISIS, but you still have your abortion bombers and Tim McVeigh's out there doing the Lord's work, don't you.

You, OBVIOUSLY, don't have the knowledge or experience to be even remotely qualified to offer a valid opinion on the subject. You don't even know the difference between a destructive religious cult and a religious sect. Just shut up and spare yourself the embarrassment.