Orlando night club shooting


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This is a terrible example and there are very few practical examples that you would need a gun to defend yourself in a situation where you wouldn't already be dead before drawing said gun and firing or being able to flee. You sure as hell don't need a handgun with more than 8 bullets in a clip to defend yourself.
I've secured my hone to a degree that I believe someone or someone's would have to make enough noise just breaking in, that I would have time to arm myself.

So I wouldn't be dead, and I would need protection.

Called 911 for a report of youths vandalizing property in my neighborhood, and it took police over 2 hours to respond.

They apologized for taking so long, you see they were all involved in a long police chase earlier.

And I am a good shot, but what if there are 3 or more of them?

In my area, there are usually more of them.

So you can take what you think we NEED, and bend over and shove it.

You rely on others for your protection if you want to, but leave me our of it.


Nine Lives
OK, I'm game.

Socratic method, I'll start:

In 2016, what is your definition of 'militia'?
I don't have one ... but it seems to refer to private citizens with arms joining together to protect themselves and others from outside and internal forces intent on depriving others of their individual rights.


Strength through joy
One EMP discharge and this country becomes a zombie world .
People will be looking down at their palms and go into a total emotional breakdown .
We would have to go back to just reading the local newspaper for info .


Well-Known Member
What part are you saying I don't want?


Islam is a cult.

A political cult bent on world domination by any means possible.

And as a cult bent on the over-throw of the United States government, it can be banned.

So what part of the Constitution am I not following?
Where do you come up with this nonsense?


Strength through joy
...if you dare venture out of your home to walk to a 7-11 that is closed to buy a paper.

Marauding bands of looters will make you disappear.
The nearest 7-11 is miles away in another town .
For a while anyone with a non fuel injected vehicle , a bike or a horse will be the messages carriers .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
One EMP discharge and this country becomes a zombie world .
People will be looking down at their palms and go into a total emotional breakdown .
We would have to go back to just reading the local newspaper for info .
An EMP will knock out newspapers too.


Bad Moon Risen'
What part are you saying I don't want?


Islam is a cult.

A political cult bent on world domination by any means possible.

And as a cult bent on the over-throw of the United States government, it can be banned.

So what part of the Constitution am I not following?

All religions are cults.
Europeans came here and overthrew all Native American "governments" and religions. Maybe as Islam takes over here we will know what it felt like.


Engorged Member
All religions are cults.
Europeans came here and overthrew all Native American "governments" and religions. Maybe as Islam takes over here we will know what it felt like.

It depends. The late, great Walter Martin used to have a radio program which I listened to regularly. I'm not religious, but I liked him because he was common sense, a true Biblical scholar, and quite rational. No appeals for money, just information.

He would disagree with you that all religions are cults (I probably wouldn't), and only classified a handful of mainstream US religions as cults, among them the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Seventh Day Adventists.

If you think Islam is effed-up, study up a bit on your Mormons. The planet Kolob, aliens who travel back and forth to Earth, your own planet when you die etc. Some weird :censored2: to be sure.