Orlando night club shooting


Engorged Member
You, OBVIOUSLY, don't have the knowledge or experience to be even remotely qualified to offer a valid opinion on the subject. You don't even know the difference between a destructive religious cult and a religious sect. Just shut up and spare yourself the embarrassment.

OK, Mr. Cult Member. Boy, you just schooled me. OBVIOUSLY, you don't even know what I'm talking about, which is about what I expected.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I have grow To absolutely hate the modern Liberal. They are the weakest form of life on earth, and have the mental capacity of a 2 year old. Unable to think on their own, they want everything done for them by the government, while a conservative looks to solve his or her problems on their own. Liberals consistently place blame on anything and everyone but themselves.
The worst of the modern liberal is the liberal white man and women. Because they not only hate EVERYONE that doesn't agree with them but hate their own race as well. More actually.


Engorged Member
Typical liberal attitude. You think you are so intelligent, yet, can't see that 99% of your ideological methods are crippling to yourselves and your country. Freakin half wits is what most of you are. The rest are just uniformed/ill-advised.

No, you're just low-IQ morons for the most part. Some of you are bright, but most are 10 watt bulbs. You, you're a 5 watt.


Strength through joy
All religions are not cults.

Cults punish you if you leave.

Cults teach hate toward non-cult members.

And Islam teaches it's followers to do whatever it takes to make Islam the only religion.

And Islam teaches it's followers to take over the world by killing, raping, stealing and lying.

What other religion teaches those things?
Climate Change .


Engorged Member
The worst of the modern liberal is the liberal white man and women. Because they not only hate EVERYONE that doesn't agree with them but hate their own race as well. More actually.

Yes, I hate myself and White people because you say I do. Just another lame Right Wing excuse for logic and reason.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
No, you're just low-IQ morons for the most part. Some of you are bright, but most are 10 watt bulbs. You, you're a 5 watt.
Yes, I hate myself and White people because you say I do. Just another lame Right Wing excuse for logic and reason.
Yes. Scientific fact is a cult...to you.
Go play in the FedEx forums where you belong. You are too ignorant to comment on these issues or be taken seriously.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
climate change used to be called the weather , everyone knew it would change daily
It's the liberal's cult. Anyone who doesnt believe that garbage is shunned and ridiculed. That is the mark of a religious cult. Pure and simple. Actually..... That would make their ENTIRE ideology a religious cult. LOL. Liberal's treatment of their non believers rivals that of Jehovah's Witnesses big time.


Well-Known Member
How are they treating you over at purple?


Should have applied at a union company like UPS.

You would have better pay, good healthcare benefits for you, your wife and your kids, and a pension and a 401k plan.

Why did you choose purple again?
He put that educational background to good use. Just shows that all the book smarts in the world can't buy common sense


Engorged Member
It's the liberal's cult. Anyone who doesnt believe that garbage is shunned and ridiculed. That is the mark of a religious cult. Pure and simple. Actually..... That would make their ENTIRE ideology a religious cult. LOL. Liberal's treatment of their non believers rivals that of Jehovah's Witnesses big time.

Science/BAD. Religion and illogical emotion/GOOD. The Merchants of Doubt have found many ready and willing recipients here. You are one of their sheep.


Engorged Member
Does the sun still rise in the morning ?
Does the sun still set in the evening ?
Are some days warm and others cold ?
Are some days dry and others wet ?
Are there still areas of high & low pressure ?

It's that simple...for you. Complicated is a job best left to Liberals and scientists.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I know of one scientific fact that you don't know ; during each year of BHO's tenure an muslim attack against civilians has occurred .

You mean instead, that since BUSH invaded two muslim countries for no legitimate reason, this country has been counter attacked as retribution, regardless of who the president was, right?


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Just look at what this thread has developed into. The attacker was a gay Islamic ISIS supporter that was able to buy a rifle that liberals are scared to death of (almost, it actually isn't technically the dreaded AR15 but I'll go along with it for craps and giggles because it's, in fact, irrelevant) because their precious government, due a combination of ineptness and it's own political correctness, wasn't able to/refused to stop the guy.

And slowly, but surely, as these facts came out the liberal narrative began to crumble and they've now resorted to blaming anyone and everything OTHER than the shooter, and the terrorist cult that he committed the atrocity in the name of, for his actions. That is proof that most liberals, are in fact, severely mentally handicapped when it comes to determining right from wrong. Let alone admitting when they are dead wrong about something.


nowhere special
Just look at what this thread has developed into. The attacker was a gay Islamic ISIS supporter that was able to buy a rifle that liberals are scared to death of (almost, it actually isn't technically the dreaded AR15 but I'll go along with it for craps and giggles because it's, in fact, irrelevant) because their precious government, due a combination of ineptness and it's own political correctness, wasn't able to/refused to stop the guy.

And slowly, but surely, as these facts came out the liberal narrative began to crumble and they've now resorted to blaming anyone and everything OTHER than the shooter, and the terrorist cult that he committed the atrocity in the name of, for his actions. That is proof that most liberals, are in fact, severely mentally handicapped when it comes to determining right from wrong. Let alone admitting when they are dead wrong about something.

Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For
John Hawkins - Why Liberals Support Muslims Who Hate Everything They Stand For