Orlando night club shooting

Is that what we did in the Mid East? Are we the bluegill?

Be cause that's what you are saying, unless you are saying they are invading us, instead of our military (goes with invade) having presence there way before 1979.

Were you even born in 1979?
I say leave and let them blow themselves up. We do need their stinking oil.

We don't need to go police the world, we need to take care of our own problems.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Science has proved it...repeatedly and conclusively. Current Events really needs to be renamed as "Right Wing Echo Chamber", because all you want to really hear is validation for your own ignorance.
Science has not proven crap. The temperature on this planet has been fluctuating since the beginning of time. Liberals want to call it a man made thing so they can come up with their carbon taxes and other ridiculous big government programs. I wonder what the Liberals would be calling for if we were going into another ice age LOL.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The circumstances that remain the same as in all other mass shootings, is the high victim count. The larger issue, is that in florida, the gun laws are SO FULL OF BULLCRAP, shootings like this will be a thing of the future, regardless of race.

While, there will be plenty of other mass shootings committed by WHITE,CHRISTIAN males in the months/years to come, the one thing that also remains the same is how people with mental issues, like the orlando shooter, can simply walk into a florida gun store and buy an assault weapon, regardless of the trigger action, and JUST because it requires TWO hands, there is no waiting period, and he could walk out of the store carrying the gun, large capacity magazines and all the ammo he could carry.

These kinds of GUN loopholes are the biggest contributor to mass shootings in this country. These REDNECKED states that continue to pass gun laws that allow every idiot with cash to buy weapons of mass destruction without a waiting period or background check or even just simply COMMON SENSE.

How do gun store owners/sellers hand over weapons of mass destruction along with high capacity magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammo and not suspect anything is wrong?

Oh yeah, PARANOIA.

The gun culture in this country has produced such a PARANOIA, that it isnt that uncommon for someone to walk into a gun store and buy enough equiptment to kill hundreds of people.

Hey, but dont blame gun owners, they are the ones who have it all figured out.

The orlando shooter had serious mental issues, he struggled with his personal life and dissapointments in his work related fields. He reached that point in his life where some gun owners go nuts and decide to use their guns to feel "SECURE".

Like ALL gun owners, the orlando mass shooter suffered from serious insecurities, and his time to use his guns came faster for many reasons. Maybe you people should realize that the ISLAMAPHOBIA fox news and the right wing is selling is pushing these types of individuals to commit these kinds of crimes.

As for his ISIS allegiance, that was all bullcrap. An excuse by the shooter to justify his insecurity. Like all other gun owners, they all have a REASON to kill innocent persons in america.

The list is long of excuses, wife cheated, girlfriend cheated, neighbors too noisy, road rage, fired from work, minority hatred, god told them to do it, ect ect ect...

The only thing that separates this mass shooter from the rest was the color of his skin and his birth heritage.

Otherwise, just another whacked out ALL AMERICAN killer.

You are completely ignoring the fact that the guy had been on our government's radar and was purposely allowed to slip right through. Liberal political correctness is definitely to blame for that. Liberalism, once again, not only fails to deliver but contributed to the deaths of those people.

But.........you EMOTIONALLY disturbed crybabies are blaming Christians, Republicans, and the NRA when, in fact, it was the direct result of liberalism that allowed that LIBERAL, Islamic, nutjob to legally purchase a firearm and shoot up a nightclub in the name of ISIS.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Damn liberals.


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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Yeah, this brain-dead Liberal would love to compare educational background(s) with you. I'll win. Speaking of cults, the Right Wing certainly qualifies as a cult, led by Rush, FOX, and the rest into groupthink retardation.
What does education have to do with intelligence?

Some of the stupidest people I have ever seen are on TV with a microphone put in front of them, were college students, and then they can't answer a question about who the 1st president of the United States was.

Education does not equal intelligence.

Take for instance chosiing a job at one of two companies.

One being union, with high pay and good benefits.

And one being a non-union company with low pay and almost no benefits.

All your supposed education told you to go work at the non-union, low pay, bad benefits.
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I'd be willing to bet that almost any Liberal has an IQ that far exceeds yours.

You are pretty confident about crap you can not possibly know about.

You keep talking about how smart you and your fellow liberals are.

But we both know the truth, right purple?

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Islamic attacks have been going on for 1400 years all over the globe.

We had troops in the Mideast long before we invaded Iraq the first time.

You have not answered the very simple question I asked.

Define 'invaded'.
Invaded is when our armed forces go into a foreign country and occupy it. We did invade Iraq to dethrone Sadam.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I was 13 and walked into a classroom. the hottest girl in the class (sitting down) chose that time to lift her hips and adjust her short dress. that simple event was enough to cause me to have to carry my books in front of me. the hormones of a teenager were so over powering :)


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I only care about the attacks that occur on this side of the pond.

We had that attitude in 1940 and by the time we got into the fight against EVIL, it was almost too late.

EVIL is out there, whether you want to face it now, or not.
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