Orlando night club shooting

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are rambling on, and know nothing about gun laws in Florida, except what you hear on CNN. The only way you can purchase a firearm in Florida without a waiting period is to have a conceal carry permit, .

You live in Florida and apparently dont understand the GUN LAWS in your state. Of course, you too are a part of the problem and not the solution.

You gun freaks think everything is fine with guns, and in your MIND, you think Florida has a system of checks and balances, but do you really understand the gun laws in florida?

In Florida, buying one is no problem as long as you're 18, a legal resident of the United States, aren't a felon or a domestic abuser and have no documented mental health or substance abuse issues.

Here are the state's basic rules:

— All firearm purchases from federally licensed dealers require a background check, regardless of whether the buyer has a concealed weapons permit.

There is no waiting period to buy a rifle. There is a three-day waiting period to buy a handgun, and handgun buyers must be 21 or older.

— People charged with or convicted of a felony can't buy guns. Neither can people who have been convicted of two or more DUIs, have been involuntarily committed to a mental health hospital or have a restraining order against them.

YOU DONT NEED A CCW to walk out with an AR15 or any other FAUX assault weapon in Florida. You dont need a CCW to walk out with hundreds of rounds and high capacity magazines.

The rule is SIMPLE, if you have to use "two hands" to shoot the weapon, then there is NO WAITING period required.

That is what happened in orlando. He walked in, paid cash money, and walked out with his assault weapon, bullets, magazines and a plan. The GUN LAWS made it that much easier to pull off.

But of course, people like YOU and the others wouldnt change a fricken thing.

49 people dead just isnt enough carnage for you to change your mind about selling weapons of mass destruction that can shoot up to 13 rounds a second without very much modification.

Watch this video, it demonstrates how an AR15 is really, and ASSAULT RIFLE.

Its clear, you DONT understand the very gun laws in the state that you state that you live in, but that doesnt surprise me in the least. I will be the last to say gun owners have any brains.



nowhere special
Bump firing is just a gimmick and pretty useless. Scary to anti-gunners but if you do it you can't hit anything.

100 round drum offers little if any advantage to just reloading smaller magazines and is far more likely to jam or have feeding issues. Again, something that sounds scary and makes people ignorant about firearms wet their pants about.

And correct, an AR15 with a 100 round drum magazine is not an assault rifle.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
The circumstances that remain the same as in all other mass shootings, is the high victim count. The larger issue, is that in florida, the gun laws are SO FULL OF BULLCRAP, shootings like this will be a thing of the future, regardless of race.

While, there will be plenty of other mass shootings committed by WHITE,CHRISTIAN males in the months/years to come, the one thing that also remains the same is how people with mental issues, like the orlando shooter, can simply walk into a florida gun store and buy an assault weapon, regardless of the trigger action, and JUST because it requires TWO hands, there is no waiting period, and he could walk out of the store carrying the gun, large capacity magazines and all the ammo he could carry.

These kinds of GUN loopholes are the biggest contributor to mass shootings in this country. These REDNECKED states that continue to pass gun laws that allow every idiot with cash to buy weapons of mass destruction without a waiting period or background check or even just simply COMMON SENSE.

How do gun store owners/sellers hand over weapons of mass destruction along with high capacity magazines and hundreds of rounds of ammo and not suspect anything is wrong?

Oh yeah, PARANOIA.

The gun culture in this country has produced such a PARANOIA, that it isnt that uncommon for someone to walk into a gun store and buy enough equiptment to kill hundreds of people.

Hey, but dont blame gun owners, they are the ones who have it all figured out.

The orlando shooter had serious mental issues, he struggled with his personal life and dissapointments in his work related fields. He reached that point in his life where some gun owners go nuts and decide to use their guns to feel "SECURE".

Like ALL gun owners, the orlando mass shooter suffered from serious insecurities, and his time to use his guns came faster for many reasons. Maybe you people should realize that the ISLAMAPHOBIA fox news and the right wing is selling is pushing these types of individuals to commit these kinds of crimes.

As for his ISIS allegiance, that was all bullcrap. An excuse by the shooter to justify his insecurity. Like all other gun owners, they all have a REASON to kill innocent persons in america.

The list is long of excuses, wife cheated, girlfriend cheated, neighbors too noisy, road rage, fired from work, minority hatred, god told them to do it, ect ect ect...

The only thing that separates this mass shooter from the rest was the color of his skin and his birth heritage.

Otherwise, just another whacked out ALL AMERICAN killer.

Still blaming the gun?

Your answer is to disarm law abiding citizens?

Not one word about the gun free zone where ALL OF THESE MASS SHOOTINGS ALWAYS OCCUR?

Not one word on conceal carry being so tough to get, if not impossible, in some states?

You should sit down and shut up.

The idiots in society are already expressing the idiot's solution, so you are just being redundant.
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Who will you blame when the next WHITE Christian shooter kills mass amounts of people??

Or will you simply assign the term... "he was crazy" to it?

I will blame the liberals who made the GUN FREE ZONE where the shooting takes place.

And I will blame the liberals for not having and easy conceal carry law that is national.

Like in California, where the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last week that citizens don't have a RIGHT to conceal carry.

Liberals are just as responsible for all these deaths by mass shooters, as the shooters, because LIBERALS CREATE THE ENVIRONMENT FOR THESE DEATHS TO OCCUR.


Staff member
Bump firing is just a gimmick and pretty useless. Scary to anti-gunners but if you do it you can't hit anything.

100 round drum offers little if any advantage to just reloading smaller magazines and is far more likely to jam or have feeding issues. Again, something that sounds scary and makes people ignorant about firearms wet their pants about.

And correct, an AR15 with a 100 round drum magazine is not an assault rifle.
If one goes bump firing in a crowded night club I think one would hit may things...probably people things.


Strength through joy
Where are you going with this?
That all guns sold in this country , must meet different restrictions in each state .
Many guns that I would love to own are considered illegal by my state to sell , because they do not comply with my states requirements .
Back to that bumping video , will that method work with a heavier trigger pull requirement ?


Strength through joy
Every time I hear about a child being shot with a pistol and that the magazine had been removed . I think to myself , now that gun was not Massachusetts compliant . And if the shooting did happen within my state , I know it was more likely purchased out of state .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You live in Florida and apparently dont understand the GUN LAWS in your state. Of course, you too are a part of the problem and not the solution.

You gun freaks think everything is fine with guns, and in your MIND, you think Florida has a system of checks and balances, but do you really understand the gun laws in florida?

In Florida, buying one is no problem as long as you're 18, a legal resident of the United States, aren't a felon or a domestic abuser and have no documented mental health or substance abuse issues.

Here are the state's basic rules:

— All firearm purchases from federally licensed dealers require a background check, regardless of whether the buyer has a concealed weapons permit.

There is no waiting period to buy a rifle. There is a three-day waiting period to buy a handgun, and handgun buyers must be 21 or older.

— People charged with or convicted of a felony can't buy guns. Neither can people who have been convicted of two or more DUIs, have been involuntarily committed to a mental health hospital or have a restraining order against them.

YOU DONT NEED A CCW to walk out with an AR15 or any other FAUX assault weapon in Florida. You dont need a CCW to walk out with hundreds of rounds and high capacity magazines.

The rule is SIMPLE, if you have to use "two hands" to shoot the weapon, then there is NO WAITING period required.

That is what happened in orlando. He walked in, paid cash money, and walked out with his assault weapon, bullets, magazines and a plan. The GUN LAWS made it that much easier to pull off.

But of course, people like YOU and the others wouldnt change a fricken thing.

49 people dead just isnt enough carnage for you to change your mind about selling weapons of mass destruction that can shoot up to 13 rounds a second without very much modification.

Watch this video, it demonstrates how an AR15 is really, and ASSAULT RIFLE.

Its clear, you DONT understand the very gun laws in the state that you state that you live in, but that doesnt surprise me in the least. I will be the last to say gun owners have any brains.

Any waiting period would have been useless in the Orlando situation.

He was going to kill people whether that day, or a month later.

So, why are you supporting waiting periods if THEY DON'T WORK TO STOP TERRORISM?
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Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If one goes bump firing in a crowded night club I think one would hit may things...probably people things.
Bump firing is not accurate, not the easiest and not the preferred was of firing a weapon.

In other words, only someone stupid, like a liberal or a terrorists might chose that way to discharge a weapon.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
You live in Florida and apparently dont understand the GUN LAWS in your state. Of course, you too are a part of the problem and not the solution.

You gun freaks think everything is fine with guns, and in your MIND, you think Florida has a system of checks and balances, but do you really understand the gun laws in florida?

In Florida, buying one is no problem as long as you're 18, a legal resident of the United States, aren't a felon or a domestic abuser and have no documented mental health or substance abuse issues.

Here are the state's basic rules:

— All firearm purchases from federally licensed dealers require a background check, regardless of whether the buyer has a concealed weapons permit.

There is no waiting period to buy a rifle. There is a three-day waiting period to buy a handgun, and handgun buyers must be 21 or older.

— People charged with or convicted of a felony can't buy guns. Neither can people who have been convicted of two or more DUIs, have been involuntarily committed to a mental health hospital or have a restraining order against them.

YOU DONT NEED A CCW to walk out with an AR15 or any other FAUX assault weapon in Florida. You dont need a CCW to walk out with hundreds of rounds and high capacity magazines.

The rule is SIMPLE, if you have to use "two hands" to shoot the weapon, then there is NO WAITING period required.

That is what happened in orlando. He walked in, paid cash money, and walked out with his assault weapon, bullets, magazines and a plan. The GUN LAWS made it that much easier to pull off.

But of course, people like YOU and the others wouldnt change a fricken thing.

49 people dead just isnt enough carnage for you to change your mind about selling weapons of mass destruction that can shoot up to 13 rounds a second without very much modification.

Watch this video, it demonstrates how an AR15 is really, and ASSAULT RIFLE.

Its clear, you DONT understand the very gun laws in the state that you state that you live in, but that doesnt surprise me in the least. I will be the last to say gun owners have any brains.

I do understand the gun laws, and they are very reasonable to me. Maybe you missed the part that said individual counties can change the rules. Where I live, there is a waiting period for a rifle. What people like you always fail to recognize is that there have been many terror attacks carried out without the use of a gun at all. I do not need to watch the video, I own a Sig Sauer 551 A1, and know what it can do. The Second Amendment clearly says "The Right to Bear Arms."
You should be more concerned with all of the Syrians that Obama is letting into this country with zero screening process. Guess what? In Paris guns are banned, but did that stop the terrorists from having the weapons they wanted? " No! You can live in countries that do not allow citizens to own firearms, but that will not stop terrorists.
Your argument is weak, and I suggest that if you solely want to rely on the police to protect you, move to a country that has already banned firearms. You will not be any safer than you are here, and in my opinion, you would be less safer. Well you are less safer here because you do not believe in guns. I, on the other hand, carry a firearm with me almost all of the time. Some more advice for you would be to stay away from the so called gun free zones. The easiest places in this country to get mowed down.
I will say it again. The gun laws in Florida are very good. It's a shame that Obama has failed this country by not allowing the FBI to do their job effectively. Obama does not believe in profiling, because he does not want to offend anyone. LMFAO!


Well-Known Member
I do understand the gun laws, and they are very reasonable to me. Maybe you missed the part that said individual counties can change the rules. Where I live, there is a waiting period for a rifle. What people like you always fail to recognize is that there have been many terror attacks carried out without the use of a gun at all. I do not need to watch the video, I own a Sig Sauer 551 A1, and know what it can do. The Second Amendment clearly says "The Right to Bear Arms."
You should be more concerned with all of the Syrians that Obama is letting into this country with zero screening process. Guess what? In Paris guns are banned, but did that stop the terrorists from having the weapons they wanted? " No! You can live in countries that do not allow citizens to own firearms, but that will not stop terrorists.
Your argument is weak, and I suggest that if you solely want to rely on the police to protect you, move to a country that has already banned firearms. You will not be any safer than you are here, and in my opinion, you would be less safer. Well you are less safer here because you do not believe in guns. I, on the other hand, carry a firearm with me almost all of the time. Some more advice for you would be to stay away from the so called gun free zones. The easiest places in this country to get mowed down.
I will say it again. The gun laws in Florida are very good. It's a shame that Obama has failed this country by not allowing the FBI to do their job effectively. Obama does not believe in profiling, because he does not want to offend anyone. LMFAO!

You're mostly correct, except the part about the screening process for Syrian refugees.

Our screening process is actually quite robust, which is why we haven't actually taken in all that many Syrian refugees.

When Trump says we're letting in 'thousands' of un-vetted Syrian refugees, that's false, and a lie.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That all guns sold in this country , must meet different restrictions in each state .
Many guns that I would love to own are considered illegal by my state to sell , because they do not comply with my states requirements .
Back to that bumping video , will that method work with a heavier trigger pull requirement ?

A simple over the internet parts change and presto.. a machine gun.

You saw it for yourself in the video.
