Orlando night club shooting

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Bump firing is not accurate, not the easiest and not the preferred was of firing a weapon.

In other words, only someone stupid, like a liberal or a terrorists might chose that way to discharge a weapon.

Who needs to be accurate in a crowded business? or a football game? or a shopping mall? or a concert? or a church?

The point isnt accuracy.

Its MASS CARNAGE.. You know, the little something you gun freaks want to IGNORE.

Again, 49 dead people, another 53 seriously wounded, some for life, and YET, you people STILL refuse to change your minds on the weapon and its possibilities.

There are MANY gun freaks in this country making parts for these weapons turning them into machine guns, but you continue to ignore that fact.

Maybe, if the orlando shooter had to wait a couple of days, and the government notified that he was intending on buying an assault weapon, high capacity magazines and tons of ammo, someone could have done an interview to see what this guy was up to.

But of course, that makes it too hard for you people to continue to support the mass shooters of this country.

You wouldnt have it any other way. Allowing anyone, even people on the no fly list to walk in and walk out with Assault weapons and ammo.

The blame continues to fall on YOU gun owners who refuse to acknowledge the carnage and call for change.

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Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Currently, Obama has let 1800 of them into this country, and wants 10,000 more. I disagree that the vetting process is robust. The U.S. Doesn't have much of a presence in Syria, therefore there is no real way to know anything about these people. If we were talking about Canadians or Australians, I would agree with you.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
I say leave and let them blow themselves up. We do need their stinking oil.

We don't need to go police the world, we need to take care of our own problems.
The governments primary job is to protect its citizens, not to provide Obama phones, EBT cards, food stamps, subsidized housing, free education, or any other form of the government Teet.


Well-Known Member
Currently, Obama has let 1800 of them into this country, and wants 10,000 more. I disagree that the vetting process is robust. The U.S. Doesn't have much of a presence in Syria, therefore there is no real way to know anything about these people. If we were talking about Canadians or Australians, I would agree with you.

The 1800 that have been allowed into the US are likely the most 'vetted' individuals in the world.

Obama wants 10,000, but he won't even get 2,000 before his last term is gone.

And, by the way, every last terrorist attack on US soil since 9-11 was committed by an American Citizen.

How will restricting Immigrants change that fact?

Honestly, it's the exact same argument with the gun-crowd...restricting guns wouldn't have stopped any of the mass-shootings we've experienced.

Restricting immigrants wouldn't have stopped any of the mass-shootings we've experienced.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Currently, Obama has let 1800 of them into this country, and wants 10,000 more. I disagree that the vetting process is robust. The U.S. Doesn't have much of a presence in Syria, therefore there is no real way to know anything about these people. If we were talking about Canadians or Australians, I would agree with you.

BUSH allowed almost 200,000 iraqis into this country UNVETTED during our wonderful invasion. They were all "muslims". How many of those are secret cells of terrorists waiting to strike?

You called for war, you supported war, you wanted BUSH to attack the middle east, but now you want to complain about the consequences. Just like Vietnam, we bombed that place into a giant craphole, then asked the people to assist us, then we abandoned them, and we were forced to accept TENS OF THOUSANDS OF REFUGEES..

Maybe if you people truly understood the consequences of war, you wouldnt be so quick to BEG for it.

In DRUMPFS idealic mind, he is "going to bomb the Shtt out of them"... and what exactly do you think the consequences of that action will be?? Just dead people?

There will be TENS OF THOUSANDS of more refugees with no place to live. It makes a great soundbite, but it isnt practical, but what would you people know, you stupidly follow the marching orders of the right wing without using your brains.

The George W. Bush refugees

In afghanistan, because of our wonderful BUSH invasion, we created over 8 million refugees. Of those , a little more than 5 million have returned to afghanistan, and another 2 million remain displaced permamently. Of those, thousands were allowed to enter the USA under BUSH.

How many of those are terrorists?

Tens of thousands of refugees from two countries, and you numbnuts are worried about 10,000 from syria? Exactly 1/18th of the amount germany is accepting?

Get a grip people.

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Inordinately Right
Seen commercials for free electric, too.
I think it's great Obama has woken some Republicans up to these issues.... but calling the life line assistance program, which was around long before Obama, "obama phones", is not going to accomplish anything. People who use that phrase have been lied to by their party and the media. They just look stupid when they say that, it's a distraction.

You want to end these handouts, stop voting for Republicans and Democrats. If you're not willing to do that then just shut up about it already.
I think it's great Obama has woken some Republicans up to these issues.... but calling the life line assistance program, which was around long before Obama, "obama phones", is not going to accomplish anything. People who use that phrase have been lied to by their party and the media. They just look stupid when they say that, it's a distraction.

You want to end these handouts, stop voting for Republicans and Democrats. If you're not willing to do that then just shut up about it already.
Or just shut off welfare?
Sure. I think that's a little extreme though. I doubt most people are prepared for the massive economic fallout we would experience from doing something like that. But Ok, I'm still fairly young so I'm game. Doubt most people depending on a 401k would want to take that hit though.
They give these people more perks ,than the average working poor


Staff member
Bump firing is not accurate, not the easiest and not the preferred was of firing a weapon.

In other words, only someone stupid, like a liberal or a terrorists might chose that way to discharge a weapon.
Is this stupid person a liberal, terrorist, or both?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
ok, now post a link where someone used a bump fire system in a crime...

oh, and for those interested

Amazon.com: Bump Fire Systems Stock BumpFire Stock: Sports & Outdoors

The colorado theatre shooter had the same setup on his AR15, 100 drum mag and a trigger mod.

FORTUNATELY, the gun jammed/stovepiped , and he wasnt able to execute dozens more.

We got lucky on that one.

Hopefully, you and your family wont find yourself at the wrong end of a machine gun held by an american citizen somewhere in midwest noplace.



Well-Known Member
ok, now post a link where someone used a bump fire system in a crime...

oh, and for those interested

Amazon.com: Bump Fire Systems Stock BumpFire Stock: Sports & Outdoors
The San Bernardino shooters did modify at least one of the rifles to make it fully automatic ( although that function did not work when tested). Imop it's only a matter of time before this simple stock modification will be used in a mass shooting.
Rifles used in San Bernardino attack were modified to be illegal

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Is this stupid person a liberal, terrorist, or both?

In this video, this girl, who doesnt look all that smart, was able to turn a AR15 into a fully automatic rifle in a matter of two minutes from parts available over the internet.

If this maroon can make an AR15 fully automatic, why couldnt a mass shooter?

We are giving the tools of mass destruction to the mass killers, and you idiots just cant bring yourselves into accepting it.

2 minutes, fully automatic. Go into a room full of people, squeeze the trigger and kill dozens.

But heck, "it isnt an assault weapon"..



Staff member
In this video, this girl, who doesnt look all that smart, was able to turn a AR15 into a fully automatic rifle in a matter of two minutes from parts available over the internet.

If this maroon can make an AR15 fully automatic, why couldnt a mass shooter?

We are giving the tools of mass destruction to the mass killers, and you idiots just cant bring yourselves into accepting it.

2 minutes, fully automatic. Go into a room full of people, squeeze the trigger and kill dozens.

But heck, "it isnt an assault weapon"..

Yeah but she's kinda hot so...who cares?