Orlando night club shooting


swollen member
In this video, this girl, who doesnt look all that smart, was able to turn a AR15 into a fully automatic rifle in a matter of two minutes from parts available over the internet.

If this maroon can make an AR15 fully automatic, why couldnt a mass shooter?

We are giving the tools of mass destruction to the mass killers, and you idiots just cant bring yourselves into accepting it.

2 minutes, fully automatic. Go into a room full of people, squeeze the trigger and kill dozens.

But heck, "it isnt an assault weapon"..


weird.... the ATF approved of this

go bark up their tree

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
The 1800 that have been allowed into the US are likely the most 'vetted' individuals in the world.

Obama wants 10,000, but he won't even get 2,000 before his last term is gone.

And, by the way, every last terrorist attack on US soil since 9-11 was committed by an American Citizen.

How will restricting Immigrants change that fact?

Honestly, it's the exact same argument with the gun-crowd...restricting guns wouldn't have stopped any of the mass-shootings we've experienced.

Restricting immigrants wouldn't have stopped any of the mass-shootings we've experienced.

It's not even close to the same argument because Paris does not allow anyone to own guns, and the terrorists still were able to obtain guns and kill. History has shown that when Muslims are the minority, they keep quiet and appear to assimilate. Once their numbers grow, like in the UK, they start demanding Sharia law, and BS like no pork sold in the grocery stores. The more bad apples that come into this country, the higher the frequency of terrorist attacks.


swollen member
The San Bernardino shooters did modify at least one of the rifles to make it fully automatic ( although that function did not work when tested). Imop it's only a matter of time before this simple stock modification will be used in a mass shooting.
Rifles used in San Bernardino attack were modified to be illegal

The only mod's done were to allow what other states allow.... no bullet button

30 round magazines are less than $15... there was no "mod" for the ar15 to accept a bigger magazine...

the bump fire system has been around for a long time.... matter of time... SMH

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
In this video, this girl, who doesnt look all that smart, was able to turn a AR15 into a fully automatic rifle in a matter of two minutes from parts available over the internet.

If this maroon can make an AR15 fully automatic, why couldnt a mass shooter?

We are giving the tools of mass destruction to the mass killers, and you idiots just cant bring yourselves into accepting it.

2 minutes, fully automatic. Go into a room full of people, squeeze the trigger and kill dozens.

But heck, "it isnt an assault weapon"..

For argument sake. Let's say all the so called assault rifles are banned. Now the terrorists will just strap a bomb on, and walk into a night club, or a mall. You don't get it, and never will, because you do not believe in the constitution or The Bill of Rights. If these people want to commit mass murder, there are so many ways to do it.


nowhere special
The only mod's done were to allow what other states allow.... no bullet button

30 round magazines are less than $15... there was no "mod" for the ar15 to accept a bigger magazine...

the bump fire system has been around for a long time.... matter of time... SMH

Yeah and bump fire is not full auto. It uses inertia to simulate it but is tricky, unreliable, and inaccurate.

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
The colorado theatre shooter had the same setup on his AR15, 100 drum mag and a trigger mod.

FORTUNATELY, the gun jammed/stovepiped , and he wasnt able to execute dozens more.

We got lucky on that one.

Hopefully, you and your family wont find yourself at the wrong end of a machine gun held by an american citizen somewhere in midwest noplace.

I would love to be there so I could pull out my .45 and blast him.


Well-Known Member
The only mod's done were to allow what other states allow.... no bullet button

30 round magazines are less than $15... there was no "mod" for the ar15 to accept a bigger magazine...

the bump fire system has been around for a long time.... matter of time... SMH
You obviously didn't read the article. SMH

Meredith Davis, a special agent with the bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, said the rifles were purchased legally. But the .223 caliber Smith & Wesson M&P 15 authorities recovered had been modified to make it fully automatic, illegal under federal law.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Who needs to be accurate in a crowded business? or a football game? or a shopping mall? or a concert? or a church?

The point isnt accuracy.

Its MASS CARNAGE.. You know, the little something you gun freaks want to IGNORE.

Again, 49 dead people, another 53 seriously wounded, some for life, and YET, you people STILL refuse to change your minds on the weapon and its possibilities.

There are MANY gun freaks in this country making parts for these weapons turning them into machine guns, but you continue to ignore that fact.

Maybe, if the orlando shooter had to wait a couple of days, and the government notified that he was intending on buying an assault weapon, high capacity magazines and tons of ammo, someone could have done an interview to see what this guy was up to.

But of course, that makes it too hard for you people to continue to support the mass shooters of this country.

You wouldnt have it any other way. Allowing anyone, even people on the no fly list to walk in and walk out with Assault weapons and ammo.

The blame continues to fall on YOU gun owners who refuse to acknowledge the carnage and call for change.

Bump fire wasn't used in Orlando, and he didn't have an assault weapon.

His sig sauer MCX could fire as many rounds per minute as his Glock 9mm could.

And as for not being able to purchase that sig sauer MCX, blame the FBI, I do.

They had him.

They should have at least put him on a terrorist watch list.


nowhere special
You obviously didn't read the article.

Meredith Davis, a special agent with the bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, said the rifles were purchased legally. But the .223 caliber Smith & Wesson M&P 15 authorities recovered had been modified to make it fully automatic, illegal under federal law.

That article also said those attempted modifications didn't work.

A field test of the rifle showed the modification did not work, she said.
Rifles used in San Bernardino attack were modified to be illegal


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Sure. I think that's a little extreme though. I doubt most people are prepared for the massive economic fallout we would experience from doing something like that. But Ok, I'm still fairly young so I'm game. Doubt most people depending on a 401k would want to take that hit though.
I am willing to.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It's not even close to the same argument because Paris does not allow anyone to own guns, and the terrorists still were able to obtain guns and kill. History has shown that when Muslims are the minority, they keep quiet and appear to assimilate. Once their numbers grow, like in the UK, they start demanding Sharia law, and BS like no pork sold in the grocery stores. The more bad apples that come into this country, the higher the frequency of terrorist attacks.

We also know that the modified AK47 shorties came from a florida gun dealer, the same gun dealer infact, implicated in the iran/contra scandal smuggling guns.

Somehow, american gun dealers are still involved with mass shootings in other countries.



Well-Known Member
That article also said those attempted modifications didn't work.

A field test of the rifle showed the modification did not work, she said.
Rifles used in San Bernardino attack were modified to be illegal
Yes but the modification was done making it illegal. The point I'm am making is they did try. It truly is a matter of time before theses terrorists, both foreign and domestic figure out its simply easier to use the bump fire modification.