Orlando night club shooting


swollen member
I don't need to defend it. I didn't write the article. Go ask the atf.

why did you post the article???

"they put mods on their ar15's, which one was to make it fully automatic AND DIDN'T WORK" brilliant writing!

the other mod is funny too! You actually have to put a "mod" on the ar15 to make it California compliant... you have to add a bullet button to the magazine well


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If its only a gimmick, why are they selling a ton of those trigger mods all over this country?

Who needs a machine gun?

Well, if you have made it past basic training, you would have been trained on the M-16.

Then you would have learned that you almost never use full automatic in war.

But you never graduated basic training, did you?


swollen member
Doesnt matter. American GUN dealers continue to buy serbian weapons on the black market, import them, and then turn around and sell them, where they end up in the hands of terrrorists.

Isnt that bad enough for you? Or, do you just like taking the risk of letting it continue?

Why would american arms dealers want to sell serbian surplus military weapons to civilians?


they are converted... dude please research before you post

NO SERBIAN MILITARY WEAPONS are sold to civilians.....

hold up, I do own a Mosin, oh wait, that's russian

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
they are converted... dude please research before you post

NO SERBIAN MILITARY WEAPONS are sold to civilians.....

hold up, I do own a Mosin, oh wait, that's russian

Um, I used the term "modified" , maybe you didnt realize converted and modified are the same thing, eh?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For you gun nuts that live life thinking you are going to someday be in the great armed battle of the streets...or defending your home behind sandbags in your windows..

caution, grown up language being used..



Retired 23 years
Southerners don't need to move fast. We shoot well and most of the north is either unarmed or inadequately armed.

That's debatable----

Wyoming has 196 registered guns for every 1000 people. (men, women and children)

Arkansas has 41 and Alabama has 20

The key word here would be "registered". Probably at least half of the guns I own don't have any paperwork on them.
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