Orlando night club shooting

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Well, you have an irrational fear of others, specifically people who don't think like you do.

You're lighting up the DSM.

Honestly, I feel bad for your kids as well - they're going to need years of therapy.
I see you've shifted your narrative. I guess you wised up to what I was saying about The 10th. Don't worry about my kids. They aren't being raised by liberals.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Look folks.... The fact is that the shooting was done by a gay liberal Muslim that supports Isis and the Liberals on this board, much like the Liberals out in the real world, are going after the NRA, Christians, Republicans, AR-15s, and anyone and anything else that had nothing to do with why it happened. That is a Telltale sign of people not having it all together mentally. Why is that? Because at this point people that were simply just misguided and misinformed would have already figured out the truth.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
There is NO MENTION of the word GOD in the constitution.

If there is, please point it out.

Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, that our rights are god given.

And the Declaration of Independence came before the Constitution.

And nothing in the Constitution changes that idea.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Look folks.... The fact is that the shooting was done by a gay liberal Muslim that supports Isis and the Liberals on this board, much like the Liberals out in the real world, are going after the NRA, Christians, Republicans, AR-15s, and anyone and anything else that had nothing to do with why it happened. That is a Telltale sign of people not having it all together mentally. Why is that? Because at this point people that were simply just misguided and misinformed would have already figured out the truth.
It's gay, liberal Democrat Muslim.

Remember, he was a registered Democrat.

He supported Obama in the last 2 elections like most Muslims.

And as a Democrat, belongs to the party that 99% of the mass-murderers belong to.

So please Over, don't forget to say the Democrat part.

Like TOS, and DIDO, his fellow Democrats, he had no morals.


Bad Moon Risen'
Look folks.... The fact is that the shooting was done by a gay liberal Muslim that supports Isis and the Liberals on this board, much like the Liberals out in the real world, are going after the NRA, Christians, Republicans, AR-15s, and anyone and anything else that had nothing to do with why it happened. That is a Telltale sign of people not having it all together mentally. Why is that? Because at this point people that were simply just misguided and misinformed would have already figured out the truth.
The fact is that this nut was allowed to go into any firearms retailer and buy a gun. We forbid any felon or person with mental health issues from doing the same. Why this country allows someone that has been on a terrorist watch list to purchase firearms is just plain wrong. We made it too easy for him.


Bad Moon Risen'
It's gay, liberal Democrat Muslim.

Remember, he was a registered Democrat.

He supported Obama in the last 2 elections like most Muslims.

And as a Democrat, belongs to the party that 99% of the mass-murderers belong to.

So please Over, don't forget to say the Democrat part.

Like TOS, and DIDO, his fellow Democrats, he had no morals.
Don't think that a lack of morals belongs to any political party. Denny Hastert reports to prison this week.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It's gay, liberal Democrat Muslim.

Remember, he was a registered Democrat.

He supported Obama in the last 2 elections like most Muslims.

And as a Democrat, belongs to the party that 99% of the mass-murderers belong to.

So please Over, don't forget to say the Democrat part.

Like TOS, and DIDO, his fellow Democrats, he had no morals.
I hear ya. But I did say liberal. I try not to say Democrat anymore because, believe it or not, actual Democrats are a different breed from liberals. The old school ones are anyway. But they are becoming extinct.

So when states legalize gay marriage, exactly what is the problem?
I don't have a problem if a state legalizes gay marriage. I do have a problem with the federal government telling a state they can or can't. The 10th Amendment should supercede the opinion of a federal judge. Look at past practice in our labor contract. It is used but only when language on the specific issue is silent. Meaning.....if it's not in there.....it's up to the locals.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The fact is that this nut was allowed to go into any firearms retailer and buy a gun. We forbid any felon or person with mental health issues from doing the same. Why this country allows someone that has been on a terrorist watch list to purchase firearms is just plain wrong. We made it too easy for him.
So..... are saying that because our government failed in stopping this guy the rest of us should have our rights infringed upon?


Strength through joy
It is the policy of the current administration that muslims are to be given a free pass .
That is why even after multiple red flags about the shooter were given to the FBI nothing was done about them .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, that our rights are god given.

And the Declaration of Independence came before the Constitution.

And nothing in the Constitution changes that idea.

Relating to Thomas Jeffersons writings:

To Jefferson, the era of the American Revolution would introduce a new social order for the entire world. And the words that inspired a political revolution also threw down the gauntlet to a religious one.

""For centuries, millions of people throughout the world had suffered oppression, injustices, and poverty under the tyranny of kings, whom they had been taught to believe were divinely appointed–designated by God–to rule over them.""

This doesnt sound like an endorsement of GOD at ALL.

More from Jefferson:

""When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands, which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them in the separation.""

Again, no mention of the word "GOD".

""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.""

Now of course, you american taliban types want to substitute the word CREATOR for GOD.

But that is YOUR interpretation, not his. Jefferson rejected the concept that a "GOD" from outer space left space camp, and interacted with human beings.

He called that assertion, a "wild fable".



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Don't think that a lack of morals belongs to any political party. Denny Hastert reports to prison this week.
Liberal Democrats have sold our nation out.

There is no worse case of lack of morals by any group in government.

Have you heard anyone coming to Hasterts defense?



There are still Democrats rallying around Obama and Hillary.

Sell outs.