Orlando night club shooting


Strength through joy
Its called an AUTOPSY, sheesh, what planet do you live on?

These have all been conducted and the results not released to the public, yet. They have to account for all the bullets, including the bullet that killed the suspect.

We also dont have the results from the coroner on which bullet killed the shooter. Was it self inflicted or was he killed by police.

This will come out much later and all the bodies will have been buried.

I'm still waiting for the Sandy Hook diagram .
I would like to see just how that took place .

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
It is the policy of the current administration that muslims are to be given a free pass .
That is why even after multiple red flags about the shooter were given to the FBI nothing was done about them .
Yes, because Obama is more afraid of profiling a religious group that has time and
Time again proven to be violent. The Muslim religion is not peaceful, it's violent, and has no place in America.


Strength through joy
Did you know that anyone placed on the no-fly-list can keep any guns that they already have ?
Why ?
Because they have not been charged with any crimes nor can they .