Out w/Injury, Missed My Vacation:?

Star B

White Lightening
He doesn't have a permanent disability.
Additionally wouldn't be able to safely lift packages at all with one hand. Don't get me wrong, accommodation for a disability is a great thing but there's a point where you're too disabled to do the job properly and at that point, they should pay out the LTD and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
I definitely can’t lift heavy stuff unless my wrist is better. When I was trw from lymphoma I rode with a pre-courier school driver on my route. I scanned, he drove and did the heavy lifting. Eventually he was good at doing all if it. I think when he got to courier school with one of the worst instructors I’ve ever seen (don’t want to mention any names. Web.), his on road experience was very helpful.


Well-Known Member
Last week was one of my vacation weeks, but I broke my wrist on the job and couldn’t travel. Someone at FedEx who is involved with my medical leave told me that I don’t lose that week, I could reschedule it.

Does anyone know about this, how it works, is there some deadline to meet, etc.?


Don’t Call Me Lefty
Some of what happens depends on which state you are in and the requirements for Worker's Comp in your state.

That being said the basic policy is that you use one week of PNW time, then switch to a paid leave. Once on a paid leave (WC,STD,LTD) you do not have to use any of your vacation, sick, personal, or floaters. You can choose to be paid some of your time through a request to HCMP as some people would like the additional pay over what most states require for WC or when they will be out past the end of the fiscal year.

There is/was a lot of confusion regarding the policy about using PNW time. Many thought the policy required all time except 1 week of vacation to be used, but that is not true once you start a paid leave.


Well-Known Member
The same person who told me about not losing vacation time said that any sick days and floaters get used before wc payments. I'm sure they were used because I didn't get any kind of Fedex paycheck last week.


Well-Known Member
Could be another 3 to 5 weeks. I’ve already been out for three. It depends on how the X rays look and how my wrist feels. I can’t bear much weight on it at the moment.

I don’t want to lose my route so I hope I’m back by 45 days. Although, they didn’t take it away when I had lymphoma, and that was a few months.
The 45 day policy is not set in stone. It CAN be extended at a managers discretion, up to 90 days, I believe. When I had my surgery, I was home for 45 days, returned on TRW the 46th day, returned to full duty on the 60th day.....on the same route. TRW does extend your 'time out', as long as your doctor allows it.
You won’t lose the week. Call your manager and tell him/her you want to reschedule it. He probably can’t schedule it until you come back though because you’re not in the system under him right now.
Depending on the station, he may need to break up the week, if no full weeks are available. Either that or take a 'crappy' week.
Do they let you guys drive with a runner as light duty while you heal?
No. I tried getting back onto FO while I had a 40lb limit. 2 years on my FO route, I have never had a package heavier than 10-15 lbs. But, they would not let me no matter what I said or did. You are not allowed back on the road unless you are FULLY released with NO restrictions. It's for your safety and legal reasons. Thin about what would happen if something happened to you or someone else if you had limited mobility.
The same person who told me about not losing vacation time said that any sick days and floaters get used before wc payments. I'm sure they were used because I didn't get any kind of Fedex paycheck last week.
I read the policy closely. If you are being paid from another source, WC, disability etc, you do NOT have to use your personal and floaters. Since WC and disability doesn't pay you for the first 5 days, you do have to use your sick days. I only had 3 sick days when I went out. The first 3 days were paid as sick days, the next 2 were unpaid (though I did have the option of using my PD or floaters), then disability kicked in.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
The 45 day policy is not set in stone. It CAN be extended at a managers discretion, up to 90 days, I believe. When I had my surgery, I was home for 45 days, returned on TRW the 46th day, returned to full duty on the 60th day.....on the same route. TRW does extend your 'time out', as long as your doctor allows it.

Depending on the station, he may need to break up the week, if no full weeks are available. Either that or take a 'crappy' week.

No. I tried getting back onto FO while I had a 40lb limit. 2 years on my FO route, I have never had a package heavier than 10-15 lbs. But, they would not let me no matter what I said or did. You are not allowed back on the road unless you are FULLY released with NO restrictions. It's for your safety and legal reasons. Thin about what would happen if something happened to you or someone else if you had limited mobility.

I read the policy closely. If you are being paid from another source, WC, disability etc, you do NOT have to use your personal and floaters. Since WC and disability doesn't pay you for the first 5 days, you do have to use your sick days. I only had 3 sick days when I went out. The first 3 days were paid as sick days, the next 2 were unpaid (though I did have the option of using my PD or floaters), then disability kicked in.
They don't keep you off road for your safety or legal reasons, it's something else. I've been through this many times with many different injuries. If a doctor clears them to drive they can drive, lifting restrictions won't keep someone off road.


Huge Member
The 45 day policy is not set in stone. It CAN be extended at a managers discretion, up to 90 days, I believe. When I had my surgery, I was home for 45 days, returned on TRW the 46th day, returned to full duty on the 60th day.....on the same route. TRW does extend your 'time out', as long as your doctor allows it.

I've been curious how the 45-day rule works as well. We have one courier who's been out over 18 weeks on the calendar yet the route still has not been posted for bidding.

Also, how are the 45 days measured? Scheduled work days? Calendar days? I'm looking at possibly scheduling a surgery for myself at some point and need to factor this in.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Jk, I know express is a harder job than ground and HD... that's y youse get the better bennies and hourly pay plus OT!!!


Well-Known Member
Jk, I know express is a harder job than ground and HD... that's y youse get the better bennies and hourly pay plus OT!!!

Quite the opposite. I think Ground has tons more freight and that those drivers work much harder.

As for benefits, dental is good. Medical worked for the past two years. But all my doctors and the hospital where they work quit Cigna. My choice was to see them out of pocket or find new doctors. We went with the Blue Cross plan my wife has at work. Now, instead of paying $160/month for family coverage it will cost $800/month.
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