Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Hamas has and is using civilian residences and commercial buildings to launch their rocket attacks. Then they either expect Israel to not defend themselves or claim the moral high ground when the IDF pounds those targets resulting in civilian causualties. It’s a win-win for the terrorists.
Turn off the news for a week. Then let's have.a discussion.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Fair warning....I'm locked and loaded.

Just got an email about hot ammo deal at sig Sauer. The war machine is priming up to make some massive profits. Still I believe everyone should have a few extra rounds.


Well-Known Member


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
You said I would buy one of those cards for my grandkids. A-hole. And you've showed me nothing but conspiracy theories.
I showed you a video of the missle hitting the Pentagon. You can slow it down and see it isn't a plane. No conspiracy about that. Video proof.

As for the video of the planes hitting the twin towers. That is video proof that the planes didn't hit the towers. It shows them disappearing into the building. You'd think our intelligence agencies could have done a little better of a job. Or did they think everyone would stay asleep for ever?