Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Well-Known Member
From what I have read , you are way off base.
Israel has no plans to colonize Gaza.
All that want is for Hamas to be gone and new leadership to take over.
Someone who will help the population thrive, not use them as human shields
gaza is the worlds largest open air prison thanks to israel

israel has colonized palestine for decades


Well-Known Member
Does it make sense for a country that gets its electricity, water, and other things to live. Does it make sense that they would attack the country they get it from? Just curious .
These are the same people who put their own women and children in front of them as human shields. Making sense isn't taken into consideration.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
These are the same people who put their own women and children in front of them as human shields. Making sense isn't taken into consideration.
Israel puts there woman and children in as shields. Where do you think there rockets are being fired from?



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
These are the same people who put their own women and children in front of them as human shields. Making sense isn't taken into consideration.
Wef/ NWO is working everyone like clock work. Everyone fighting against each other to further there agenda of bringing the population to less then 40% of what it is currently.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
These are the same people who put their own women and children in front of them as human shields. Making sense isn't taken into consideration.
Hope you read this.



Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Roflmao. The fact you are trusting anything this guy says. Shows the lack of just a little research you do..

But keep giving him and many others a lot of your hard earned cash. Sucker..

Ukraine: Ukraine List of top names who have allegedly been stealing our tax dollars in the largest money laundering operation of all-time, per top Ukrainian official. The below is an alleged copy of a list that has been provided. It is a fraction of the over $100 billion we have sent to Ukraine but it is still theft of our tax dollars and a substantial amount of money. Receipts coming.
✅ Joe Biden $92M
✅ Mitch McConnell $89M
✅ Nancy Pelosi $86M
✅ Chuck Schumer $66M
✅ Lindsey Graham $82M
✅ Mitt Romney $71M
✅ John Cornyn $41M
✅ Adam Schiff $62M
✅ Dan Crenshaw $20M
✅ Elizabeth Cheney $77M
✅ Kevin McCarthy $42M
✅ Jamie Raskin $38M
✅ Mike Pence $61M
✅ Greg Pence $17M
✅ Rick Scott $63M
✅ Hakeem Jeffries $74M
✅ Ilhan Omar $33M
✅ Elizabeth Warren $42M


Legio patria nostra
Biden is doing a fine job and has done a fine job. He’s brought together the Western alliance over the last year

Let’s all grow up, shall we?
maroon Joe Biden DID successfully bring together the Taliban while ripping this country to pieces.

“Grow up”? You’re a complete maroon too if you think things are going well under your Most Supreme Beloved Leader’s mishandling of everything he ducking touches!


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
I'm betting you think Facebook was created by Zuckerberg. That you wouldn't believe that Facebook was created by DARPA under the name lifelog.

Funny how the end date of one program is the beginning date of another program that do the same thing.