Peak 2024

How is your peak going this year?

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Well-Known Member
Why do you need a 34-hour reset?
This 70-hours eight-days rule falls under the 60/70 hour limit included in the regulations. The 60/70 hour limit states that drivers can't drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days. Under this rule, drivers can restart a 7/8 consecutive day period after taking 34 or more consecutive hours off duty.

Well-Known Member

Back From Break
This 70-hours eight-days rule falls under the 60/70 hour limit included in the regulations. The 60/70 hour limit states that drivers can't drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days. Under this rule, drivers can restart a 7/8 consecutive day period after taking 34 or more consecutive hours off duty.

I know the DOT HOS.

If you have 34 hours off, that restarts your 7/8 day period. In your earlier post, you said 60 hours in 7 days or 70 hours in 8 days and then a 34 hour reset. You then asked when was the reset.

But, you do not need a reset unless you already maxed out your hours. You can work 7 days a week if you want as long as you keep track of your rolling hours and don't exceed 60 hours in 7 rolling days or 70 hours in 8 rolling days.

With helpers, PVD's and SSD's, some drivers in some areas are only getting 8 hours a day. If you only work 8 hours a day, you can work 7 days a week and never need, or take, a reset.

But, most drivers only work 6 days a week. There is no Sunday delivery yet. This basically gives you a reset for that one day off so you don't have to worry about keeping track of when your hours fall off giving you more hours to work that day under the 60/70 hour rule.

Feeders however, is far different. Feeders run 7 days a week. It is not uncommon for a feeder driver to work, keeping track of rolling hours, without taking a 34 hour reset.


Good thing I wore my brown pants
I know the DOT HOS.

If you have 34 hours off, that restarts your 7/8 day period. In your earlier post, you said 60 hours in 7 days or 70 hours in 8 days and then a 34 hour reset. You then asked when was the reset.

But, you do not need a reset unless you already maxed out your hours. You can work 7 days a week if you want as long as you keep track of your rolling hours and don't exceed 60 hours in 7 rolling days or 70 hours in 8 rolling days.

With helpers, PVD's and SSD's, some drivers in some areas are only getting 8 hours a day. If you only work 8 hours a day, you can work 7 days a week and never need, or take, a reset.

But, most drivers only work 6 days a week. There is no Sunday delivery yet. This basically gives you a reset for that one day off so you don't have to worry about keeping track of when your hours fall off giving you more hours to work that day under the 60/70 hour rule.

Feeders however, is far different. Feeders run 7 days a week. It is not uncommon for a feeder driver to work, keeping track of rolling hours, without taking a 34 hour reset.
Let's not forgot, that total hrs for ALL employment. You have a little weekend side hustle,(an actual business, not crocheting little barn yard animals for your churches crafts sale), then those hrs also must be factored in. So if you Really wanna regulate your OT, just get another job that gives you 15 hrs a week. You'll have 45hrs available for UPS, if you really wanna be a sun of a bitch.

Does your Wife have a registered at home type of business she pays taxes on? And does she need your assistance in some of the handyman stuff? Get her to hire you, on the books officially, (1099 or W2) and you're golden.
49 CFR §395.8(a)
This 70-hours eight-days rule falls under the 60/70 hour limit included in the regulations. The 60/70 hour limit states that drivers can't drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days. Under this rule, drivers can restart a 7/8 consecutive day period after taking 34 or more consecutive hours off duty.
Like @Well-Known Member said, your recap hours keep you in service. You just have to keep track and don't :censored2: it up.

I have NOT been lurking

Eat. Sleep. Work. Jork.
Seasonal hires are useless