Strength through joy
[h=3]FORGERY-GATE[/h] [h=1]Obama's jokes about his eligibility[/h] [h=2]Exclusive: Floyd and Mary Beth Brown note Alinsky tactic of mock-and-accus[/h]First, it is important to understand that one of the favorite tools of Alinskyites is mockery. They love to mock their enemies. In his primer on radical change, Saul Alinsky, the guru of the political movement most closely aligned with Obama, writes in his tactics training chapter, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”
What better way to mock your enemy than to send messages that infuriate them and then mock the response as “crazy”? They have been doing this throughout the Forgery-gate scandal.
The media in unison call anyone that mentions the Obama birth certificate controversy and Obama’s lack of vetting and documentation as “obsessed and loony.” But Obama himself cannot stop talking about it. This week alone, he has mentioned it in public twice. On March 20, he joked about it while meeting with the prime minister of Ireland, Enda Kenny. The assembled reporters and supporters greeted his snide comment with uproarious laughter.
Also, while in Cushing, Okla., to talk energy, Obama couldn’t help but talk about his birth certificate again. He asked a woman in the crowd who was allegedly born at the same hospital as he was if she could “find her birth certificate.”
What better way to mock your enemy than to send messages that infuriate them and then mock the response as “crazy”? They have been doing this throughout the Forgery-gate scandal.
The media in unison call anyone that mentions the Obama birth certificate controversy and Obama’s lack of vetting and documentation as “obsessed and loony.” But Obama himself cannot stop talking about it. This week alone, he has mentioned it in public twice. On March 20, he joked about it while meeting with the prime minister of Ireland, Enda Kenny. The assembled reporters and supporters greeted his snide comment with uproarious laughter.
Also, while in Cushing, Okla., to talk energy, Obama couldn’t help but talk about his birth certificate again. He asked a woman in the crowd who was allegedly born at the same hospital as he was if she could “find her birth certificate.”