Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Color has nothing to do with it and I'm pretty sure you know that, but that seems to be your crutch for justification.
Everyone you agree with is a "genius"; everyone with an opposing view is "idiotic"- is that a Democratic thing or a California thing?

It is a California Democrat thing! Southern California is more conservative (not counting LA county). Orange County, San Diego County are the big red counties in California. The rural counties are generally red in CA but the metropolitan areas of Riverside and San Bernardino are blue. the more north and coastal you go in California, the elitist Dems come out in droves and all Republicans should be locked up and lobotimized (sp) for the good of the democracy!!


golden ticket member
No. Do you care to explain them without baseless accusations, wild speculation, and flat out lying? No. I didn't think so.
Check out the choir director who was killed........a gay guy who was 'close' to Obama.

Here's a little can search for yourself....

"The bombshell may involve the murder of Donald Young, a 47-year-old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ—the same congregation that Obama has attended for the past 20 years. Two other young black men that attended the same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007. All three were openly homosexual."


Well-Known Member
With every passing day, the Tea Party/GOP Clown Circus gains voters...for Barack Obama. Your views are so outlandish and backward that most reasonable people reject you immediately. All you've got is a small core group of solid crazies, and that isn't enough to win a general election. So sorry. FAIL!!!
Here are some facts for you fast facts Freddie--- Fact--The Tea Party (and I'm not one) affected real change, more change than Obama's broken house of lies. Fact---The liberal "OWS", union backed, property destroying punks have affected...........wait for it........still waiting...........ZERO!!! You not only fail but Zerobama will NOT be reelected because he doesn't/hasn't done anything he promised. Gitmo with the program!!
Success? The Tea Party is about to hand the 2012 election to Obama and let the democrats keep the senate. Very soon you are going to wake up and 2010 will seem a very, very, long time ago.
In your dreams bb! If only Ron Paul were less grandpa like!


Strength through joy
Arpaio promised that the investigation will continue into the alleged crimes of forgery and fraud.
“To quell the popular idea that Obama was actually born outside the United States, we examined the records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards routinely filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights that originated outside the United States in the month of August 1961 [Obama's birth month].
Those records are housed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.
Interestingly, records from the days surrounding Obama’s birth, August 1, 1961 to August 7, 1961 are missing.
This is the only week in 1961 were these immigration cards cannot be found,” the sheriff’s report said.
The investigative team also accused the Hawaii Department of Health of having engaged in “a systematic effort to hide any original 1961 birth records that they may have in their possession.”
And the team determined newspaper announcements of Obama’s birth there in 1961 are not credible, because the published listings also included 3-year-olds cited as newborns as well as children born outside of the state.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Arpaio was asked in the news conference what should happen if the facts and evidence bore out that the birth certificate was a forgery. This was one of the few times he has been at a loss of words. He said, "I really don't know for sure, America has never been here before. I will leave that for others to figure out". This was one of the more telling moments in the news conference. It was clear to me that he felt that an investigation should go where it takes you.

It really proves that there is no agenda for Sheriff Joe other than seeking the truth.


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
So FoxNews is now part of a liberal media conspiracy. That's just silly.
What do you think Rupert Murdoch is a member of?
It's the left- and right-wing paradigm, as the comedian George Carlin said it's a BIG club you and I are not in it. :D
All you have to do is digg in what politician candidates are part of what "club".

You never noticed all the major channels coming out with almost the same freakin' news in the same order?!


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering why this thread (and idea) are still going...

For all you 'birthers' out there, I have a question:

Do you seriously think it would be possible for Obama to be elected president if he wasn't actually a citizen?


With the hatred of Obama (from both right and left) before he got elected, do you really think that the GOP, or Hillary Clinton for that matter, wouldn't have pulled the easiest rabbit out of the hat to to kill his presidential run (i.e. he's a foreign-born national)?

I understand that y'all are upset that illegals can get driver's licenses etc., but are you saying that the entire federal government was hood-winked during the year-long election process and that Obama slipped under the radar as a non-citizen and ACTUALLY GOT ELECTED PRESIDENT WITHOUT BEING A CITIZEN?

If any of you actually think that's even a remote possibility, you are, sincerely, a maroon.

(P.S. Just so y'all know, I lean towards anarchy but 'independent' would more likely inform my categorization as to political leanings...Obama's definitely not my favorite, could be worse, definitely could be better, but this thread is idiotic).


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yes I think it is possible. Anything is possible.
"Just so ya all know",as if anyone cares who you are or who I am, Im a registered democrat, wont vote for Obama, and you can call me anything you like, but Im definetely not a maroon. Seems to be the best tactic those on the extreme left have.
i have never called anyone a name who disagrees with me, thats the difference. Which is why I will re register as something else, maybe an actual independent. Capable of making up my own mind, and sometimes one party is no better than the other.


Strength through joy
Since I started this thread let me clarify it .
bhos was never vetted for the 2008 election, every group thought someone else had done it.
One has to look at the documents that Pelosi signed and submitted to all the states confirming his status, except one was altered just for the state of HI.
Most believe that since several different B.C. have been shown that the story is over, not so.
Why does he have all of his other records under court seals ?
Why hasn't he released any school records ?
Why did he stop using his law license ?
What did flotus do to have the court strip her of her law license ?
Even up to today they promote how hard they worked to become lawyers , but never mention their down slides.
Why did the site of his birth hospital change ?
He claimed to have spent years at Columbia to get his degree, yet research shows he was only there for 8 months.
He and his wife have made claims that he is always the smartest one in any room , yet they have not shown any proof to support that claim.
Why does he use a Social Security Card that E-Verify shows was never assigned to him ? It belongs to someone from Conn. that was born in 1890. ( SS# are not reused ).
Why does his Selective Service ( draft card ) look like it was back dated ?
Why are so many other people listed on his house's deed, including someone else with the same SS# he uses ?

If you listen to his speeches , he is constantly mixing up his facts about his history.
Like his father in Kenya fought in WWII at the age of 9.
His mother couldn't get health insurance for her cancer. Which is totally false.
I'm wondering why this thread (and idea) are still going...

For all you 'birthers' out there, I have a question:

Do you seriously think it would be possible for Obama to be elected president if he wasn't actually a citizen?


With the hatred of Obama (from both right and left) before he got elected, do you really think that the GOP, or Hillary Clinton for that matter, wouldn't have pulled the easiest rabbit out of the hat to to kill his presidential run (i.e. he's a foreign-born national)?

I understand that y'all are upset that illegals can get driver's licenses etc., but are you saying that the entire federal government was hood-winked during the year-long election process and that Obama slipped under the radar as a non-citizen and ACTUALLY GOT ELECTED PRESIDENT WITHOUT BEING A CITIZEN?

If any of you actually think that's even a remote possibility, you are, sincerely, a maroon.

(P.S. Just so y'all know, I lean towards anarchy but 'independent' would more likely inform my categorization as to political leanings...Obama's definitely not my favorite, could be worse, definitely could be better, but this thread is idiotic).

The so called "birthers" are not all sold on the idea that Obama is indeed an illegal alien. Some of us follow the "birther" movement not because we doubt his legality, but do so to find answers other questions about him that have been covered up. We actually know less proven fact about him than we do about state representatives. Too much of his history has been hidden behind closed doors.