Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
If it was just about a birth certificate, I'd just say, "Whatever", he pulled one over on us.. But, it's about dozens of 'mysterious' things that don't add up and no one offers any explanations of any kind....or they offer too many explanations and none of them add up.


Staff member
I bet you could take thirty things from my life, line them up, and they wouldn't add up to who I am today. Why? Becaus life is more than a string of incidents taken out of context.


Well-Known Member
I bet you could take thirty things from my life, line them up, and they wouldn't add up to who I am today. Why? Becaus life is more than a string of incidents taken out of context.
Nothing personal but you're not the President of the United States, so who cares! Why can't simple questions be answered and not hidden? What's so secret about this man, our president and his past?


golden ticket member
Nothing personal but you're not the President of the United States, so who cares! Why can't simple questions be answered and not hidden? What's so secret about this man, our president and his past?
According to the way he has conducted himself as president, he won't need a presidential library. Everything is destroyed, hidden, secret, non existent, etc.


Engorged Member
Since I started this thread let me clarify it .
bhos was never vetted for the 2008 election, every group thought someone else had done it.
One has to look at the documents that Pelosi signed and submitted to all the states confirming his status, except one was altered just for the state of HI.
Most believe that since several different B.C. have been shown that the story is over, not so.
Why does he have all of his other records under court seals ?
Why hasn't he released any school records ?
Why did he stop using his law license ?
What did flotus do to have the court strip her of her law license ?
Even up to today they promote how hard they worked to become lawyers , but never mention their down slides.
Why did the site of his birth hospital change ?
He claimed to have spent years at Columbia to get his degree, yet research shows he was only there for 8 months.
He and his wife have made claims that he is always the smartest one in any room , yet they have not shown any proof to support that claim.
Why does he use a Social Security Card that E-Verify shows was never assigned to him ? It belongs to someone from Conn. that was born in 1890. ( SS# are not reused ).
Why does his Selective Service ( draft card ) look like it was back dated ?
Why are so many other people listed on his house's deed, including someone else with the same SS# he uses ?

If you listen to his speeches , he is constantly mixing up his facts about his history.
Like his father in Kenya fought in WWII at the age of 9.
His mother couldn't get health insurance for her cancer. Which is totally false.

I'd have to classify this as Grade AAA crazy talk, which is a step up from the usual Grade AA crazy talk.


Engorged Member
yes, I am sure you would and what credentials do you have to prove US the loony bin?

The fact that any of you (collectively) buy into this crap is excellent evidence. What it all boils down to is pure hatred for Obama, and looking for absolutely anything to make him look bad, different, "foreign", or otherwise unelectable for a second term. You know that you've got a very weak candidate in Romney, and that you're probably looking at another 4 years of BHO, which drives you up the wall.

In Romney, you've got the ultimate flip-flopper who is awkward, a Mormon, and full of "new" ideas that sound an awful lot like the great ideas that resulted in the meltdown of 2008. So, keep on your witch hunt, and waste your time and effort on chasing that Black snipe in the White House.


Staff member
Yes I think it is possible. Anything is possible.
"Just so ya all know",as if anyone cares who you are or who I am, Im a registered democrat, wont vote for Obama, and you can call me anything you like, but Im definetely not a maroon. Seems to be the best tactic those on the extreme left have.
i have never called anyone a name who disagrees with me, thats the difference. Which is why I will re register as something else, maybe an actual independent. Capable of making up my own mind, and sometimes one party is no better than the other.
A registered democrat who was all fired up for Herman Cain? You do see how that's a bit hard to swallow.


Strength through joy
The fact that any of you (collectively) buy into this crap is excellent evidence. What it all boils down to is pure hatred for Obama, and looking for absolutely anything to make him look bad, different, "foreign", or otherwise unelectable for a second term. You know that you've got a very weak candidate in Romney, and that you're probably looking at another 4 years of BHO, which drives you up the wall.

In Romney, you've got the ultimate flip-flopper who is awkward, a Mormon, and full of "new" ideas that sound an awful lot like the great ideas that resulted in the meltdown of 2008. So, keep on your witch hunt, and waste your time and effort on chasing that Black snipe in the White House.

WOW, I never realized just how much of a racist bigot you are.


Strength through joy
[h=1]from a supporter Kathy[/h] Posted on | March 21, 2012 |

I think going after DW-S on RICO charges is brilliant!
One has to wonder just how long justice will continue to be denied to us.
Thanks for all you do, Orly. You are truly indefatigable!



Strength through joy
Graduate Paper written by Tim Adams: The President BO Birth Certificate controversy and the new media;page 26 (of 106) of this graduate study research paper.
In the case of President Obama’s natal narrative, a similar campaign of obfuscation has actively and admittedly been pursued by most of the major media,
despite all evidence to the contrary. Groups like FactCheck.Org have a so-called
Certification of Live Birth available on their website that purports to prove the
President’s birth in Hawaii in 1961. The widespread media hyping of this forgery during
the presidential elections of 2008 has led to several claims, none of which have any basis
in reality.

“The Obama administration has placed his birth documentation online.”
In fact, neither the State of Hawaii, nor the Obama administration has ever claimed the
purported document as theirs. A simple comparison shows the document is not a Hawaii,
state-issued, document.
“The C.O.L.B. has been certified by the State of Hawaii and contains a Notary
Seal from the State.”

Fact: Contrary to several media reports, it does not.
“The State of Hawaii changed the birth certificate documents. These are the new

Fact: The C.O.L.B. document is dated 2007. Two years before the laws were changed in


Strength through joy
He's afraid of their "magic" underwear.

He also forgets that the leader of the US Senate is also a Mormon . But that's ok because he's a democrat.


golden ticket member
Here's the list of Mormons serving already....

Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, the majority leader of the U.S. Senate, was elected to his fifth term and has served since 1986.
Now in his sixth term as Utah's senator, Orrin Hatch was first elected in 1976. He is the former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
LDS members of the U.S. Senate
Other Latter-day Saint senators include:

Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, elected in 1998.

Newly elected Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.

Sen. Tom Udall, D-New Mexico, elected in 2008.
LDS members of the U.S. House
Latter-day Saints serving in the U.S. House of Representatives include:

Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, elected in 2002.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, elected in 2008.

Rep. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., elected in 2000.

Rep. Dean Heller, R-Nevada, elected in 2006.

Rep. Wally Herger, R-Calif., elected in 1986.

Newly elected Rep. Raul Labrador, R-Idaho.

Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, elected in 2000.

Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif., elected in 1992.

Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, elected in 1998.
Rep. Eni Faleomavaega, D-American Samoa, is one of five territorial representatives in the House. He is in his 13th term as American Samoa's nonvoting delegate.
LDS Governor
Utah Governor Gary Herbert was sworn in for his first term as a governor Jan. 3.
Click here for another story on Governor Herbert. He is currently the only Latter-day Saint governor in office.
Mike Lee, a newly elected Church member in the Senate, had not held a political office prior to being elected.
A native of Provo, Utah, Sen. Lee is a graduate of Brigham Young University. He has been a constitutional lawyer in Utah and Washington, D.C.
Raul Labrador, a newly elected Latter-day Saint in the U.S. House, is a native of Puerto Rico.
Educated at Brigham Young University, he received a law degree from the University of Washington. He most recently served in the Idaho House of Representatives.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This thread won't matter in 8 months because BO won't be the president after January 20th!!!

Also - trying to make sense of anything MFDX says is like nailing Jell-O to a tree!

The difference between UPS & FDX employees -

Just about every UPS employee -
- Leaps tall buildings in a single bound
- Is more powerful that a locomotive
- Is faster than a speeding bullet
- Walks on water
- Gives policy to God (remember this is just a joke)

- Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings
- Says "Look at the Choo-Choo!"
- Wets himself with a water pistol
- Plays in mud puddles
- Mumbles to himself