Absolutely not. I think he pointed out what everyone is seeing from billionaire fueled superpacs. Elections are going to be unduly influenced by people trying to buy elections.
I think Ruth Bader Ginzburg is HOT!!!! She can bang my gavel anytime she wants.
Isn't she about the longest liver with pancreatic cancer ???Just look at her, like a juicy red plum , just begging to be plucked.
Yes, I'm joking.
Isn't she about the longest liver with pancreatic cancer ???
In other words, just another normal, average, run-of-the-mill election.
Since he IS president and has been for 3 1/2 years, by definition he IS qualified to hold the office and nobody in congress or in any court in the land has proven otherwise.
I don't think you can lay all of this on the White House lawn. The republicans in the House and a senate needing 60 votes to decide to wipe theirThere is no disputing the fact that I feel that Obama did not live up to his promise of hope and change. My biggest concern is that he has been campaigning for 3.5 years and has divided this country by class,race and religion... worse than it has been in decades. I feel he is nothing more than a typical Chicago politician and reminds me of a used car salesman. I would love to see him gone from the White House and any future political aspirations. This is why I enjoy reading this thread!!
I have no idea whether he is in the White House by fraudulent means or not ..... but one can only dream!!!!![]()
When, since 2007 have the Republicans been in the majority ???????? Never !!!!!!! It may not be on the WH lawn, but it's in the Demcrat's laps !!!I don't think you can lay all of this on the White House lawn. The republicans in the House and a senate needing 60 votes to decide to wipe theirshare a big part of the mess. When the republican idea of bi-partisanship is "getting the other side to agree with us" there isn't alot that can get done. And yeah, Boehner and Obama would have struck a deal had the Leader been able to lead his caucus.
When, since 2007 have the Republicans been in the majority ???????? Never !!!!!!! It may not be on the WH lawn, but it's in the Demcrat's laps !!!
You didn't answer the question ...when were the Republicans in the majority?Don't play stupid with me. The democrats may have begun their agenda in 2008 but in 2010 the republicans began putting thir "defeat Obama" strategy in overdrive. They have used control of the House to take all fiscal policy hostage and minority in the senate to use arcane fillibuster rules to make every vote rerequire 60 votes. They are not about fixing anything or compromising one bit. They are a lock step party with one aim: defeat Obama.
You didn't answer the question ...when were the Republicans in the majority?
3/3 and 2/3 are both more than 1/3 last I checked!!
I suppose that Indian blood comes from his father's side.
Lookie Lookie,
4 years into the fantasy called the BIRTHER MOVEMENT.... the biggest shutdown for the biggest idiots behind the movement gets the door slammed in their faces!
Alan Keyes, the spearhead of the movement, whos actions and fundraising has kept this issue alive and kept people like ORLY TAINZ in business were shown the DOOR at the SUPREME COURT... AGAIN!
Court refuses to hear 'birther' argument again - Yahoo! News
Hopefully, Alan Keyes will move on to his other role as an Uncle Tom for the GOP.
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH - my name is TOS and I am a hater and a racist! blah! blah! blah!