When bhos finally releases all of his " sealed " records.
I find it rather funny that a man of the people refuses to let his records be seen .
What is he really afraid of ?
If any of this really mattered, couldn't you have seen it all back in 2004 after he spoke at the convention? You could have gotten to know this up and comer in the democratic party quite easily, right?When bhos finally releases all of his " sealed " records.
I find it rather funny that a man of the people refuses to let his records be seen .
What is he really afraid of ?
I don't know. Why didn't Fox News? My guess is people did and found nothing spectacular to report. No Muslim extremist ties. No suspect heritage. No shadowy links to the Weather Underground. There was alot of time that noone said anything. Kinda make the earth shattering claims of the last three years seem silly.Good idea, why didn't the New York Times do so ?
I don't know. Why didn't Fox News? My guess is people did and found nothing spectacular to report. No Muslim extremist ties. No suspect heritage. No shadowy links to the Weather Underground. There was alot of time that noone said anything. Kinda make the earth shattering claims of the last three years seem silly.
There is no way someone gets the DNC or RNC behind them without vetting. Certainly not with anything like the scope of things alleged coming up. And it isn't uncommon to have records sealed nor is it the responsibility of the president to run around proving any internet floating rumor wrong.Hawaii has said that the birth certificate is real. Good enough for me. What bothers me is the sealed records. This guy claims transparency but him and his wife have sealed records. To me, that only means that there is something damaging in those records. I could only hazard to guess what it is. BO was never really vetted by the press because he was golden. I am sure that those who geeks who know how to make stuff disappear could do a decent job of hiding stuff from the press (who really don't want to dig to deep anyway).
I have already formed an opinion of the couple. I just want to see that opinion validated for all the kool-aid drinkers out there. If I am ever proved wrong, I will have no problem admitting it. That proof has to come from a valid non-partisan certified authority definitely not TOS or the internet!!
".............There is no way ................"
That's where the naivete lies.....there's always a way !!!
No, because I've watched all the godfather movies and read Dan Brown's books!!!Because you read it on the 'net?
From Associated Press !!! (but Enquirer has had the story for months now)
Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent,' Sheriff Joe Arpaio says | Fox News
So please explain in detail why he refuses to release any other records , yet is demanding that Romney release all of his ?
Can you say double standard ?
Romney isn't the exclusion....he's not even OFFICIALLY the candidate yet!!!There is no comparision. Every candidate for president releases his tax returns for 10 years. ROMNEY shouldnt be the exclusion to the rule. EVEN your OWN party is demanding he release the records and this isnt a PARTISIAN request.
YOU have for years jumped on the bandwagon for the utmost ridiculous records to be released, yet want ROMNEY to be excluded from your OWN scrutiny.
How does it feel for the shoe to be on the other foot?
There is no comparision.
bhos has never been vetted.
Every candidate for president releases his tax returns for 10 years.
Including all presidents from before the income tax law was passed.
ROMNEY shouldnt be the exclusion to the rule.
What rule, like all presidents must be vetted ?
EVEN your OWN party,I have never stated my party, is demanding he release the records and this isnt a PARTISIAN request.
When bhos shows his , then Romney might consider the request. But he would be foolish . It would be like getting you to answer some simply questions that you keep avoiding.
YOU have for years jumped on the bandwagon for the utmost ridiculous records to be released, yet want ROMNEY to be excluded from your OWN scrutiny.
Romney has been vetted, bhos has not . That's my scrutiny.
How does it feel for the shoe to be on the other foot?