There are lots of people out there who 'wonder'.The only "one" wondering seems to be you. The rest of us have moved on (except for Rod)--perhaps you should join us.
He, and other classmates never met, saw or heard of Barack Obama....I find that interesting.
Former Obama Classmate: “Something Doesn’t Smell Right At Columbia”…
As I recall GW's grades were better than J Kerry's , the dems last great hope.Something doesn't smell right at Bain, or in Salt Lake City. Show us those tax returns Mitt...the long form. And if you don't, Sheriff Joe and Steven Seagal will do an investigation. While we're at it, let's see Mitt's school records from private school in Detroit, and from Harvard. My guess is that he wasn't magna cum laude. Maybe more like Bush at Yale...a 2.0 student with limited potential, except as a village idiot.
i thought only the Right could be infected with Barack Derangement Syndrome. There is a cure you know. It's called getting informed. Turning off FOX and reading are Steps 1 and 2 of the 12-step program. I know you can do it.
Fox "speaks the truth"? C'mon, Texan. You know better than that.
What options are there after FOX? Networks that protect, and do not speak the truth.
And FOX speaks the truth?? Cmon Texan, even you know better than that.
If I may clarify to BBSAM and TOS and others. When a very important news National item occurs.
I go to FOX first.
Take Wisconson Governor recall. I did not go to MSNBC first, but Fox. Then I flipped the remote to them (MSNBC) for the
other side.
It was interesting to hear the below from them:
A sad night for MSNBC: Video montage of Wisconsin recall race coverage - YouTube
You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the nose!
and you believe everything TOS posts .....eehhhhh... I'll take the wee Irishman on his stead, thank you very much.
My post has nothing to do with has everything to do with my opinion that it is implausible to the point of absurdity that our current President could possibly be elected if he wasn't born in the U.S.
Even if he managed to hoodwink everyone before he won the election, how is it possible that he could remain President if he's not a citizen?
The simplest explanation is usually the correct one: in this case, the simplest explanation being that the POTUS is in fact a citizen.
In fact, I'm not a huge supporter of our current President, but this 'birther' stuff is, in my opinion, a little ridiculous.
But hey, it's a free country: y'all are welcome to believe anything you want to believe.