Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


...LOL....Wkmac, are you sure thats not Will Ferrell flipping the bird....:happy-very:

I need to give Obama some props, if Sarah Palin was president and dealing with these "Birthers", she'd have quit by now........

and we would be about the three trillion dollars for the better.:st_patrick:


Strength through joy
Sorry, after six months on using this letter to raise funds, the hospital has now decided that the letter might be a fake.
One should check out; seems that they changed some of the facts about BHO to now match what the letter implied. So much for them being an absolute source of info.

World Net Daily has some stories about all this and a copy of the letter can be found there.


and we would be about the three trillion dollars for the better.:st_patrick:

if only Bush had declared martial law and made himself dictator for life, we would have been at war with iran and north korea by now and we would be out 6 trillion and thanking god for such a fearless leader.


Strength through joy
Obama eligibility case will be heard on merits!!

Obama eligibility case will be heard on merits !!

Please distribute everywhere.
Just got off the phone with Orly Taitz, the attorney in Keyes v. Obama.
At the hearing today at the Federal Court building in Santa Ana, Judge Carter said the following:
1. There will be a trial.
2. It will be heard on the merits.
3. Nothing will be dismissed on proceedural issues.
4. The trial will be expeditious, and the judge pledged to give case priority.
5. Being a former Marine he realizes the importance of having a Constitutionally qualified POTUS/CINC.
6. Judge stated that if Obama isn’t Constitutionally qualifed he needs to leave the White House.
The DOJ will be involved with the case also…. I wasn’t clear if they would be trying to get to the truth or they would just be blindly representing Obama.
Orly will be adding members of the military from California as plaintiffs also.This is from what my interpretation of our conversation.Orly, asked me to disseminate this information out for her, she will be doing a posting later after she gets some sleep.
Please say a prayer of protection for Orly, her family, and Judge Carter. Please also pray that the truth will come to light regarding Obama and justice will be done.
Dr Orly Taitz, Esq



Strength through joy
Obama eligibility case will be heard on merits!!

Obama eligibility case will be heard on merits !!

Please distribute everywhere.
Just got off the phone with Orly Taitz, the attorney in Keyes v. Obama.
At the hearing today at the Federal Court building in Santa Ana, Judge Carter said the following:
1. There will be a trial.
2. It will be heard on the merits.
3. Nothing will be dismissed on proceedural issues.
4. The trial will be expeditious, and the judge pledged to give case priority.
5. Being a former Marine he realizes the importance of having a Constitutionally qualified POTUS/CINC.
6. Judge stated that if Obama isn’t Constitutionally qualifed he needs to leave the White House.
The DOJ will be involved with the case also…. I wasn’t clear if they would be trying to get to the truth or they would just be blindly representing Obama.
Orly will be adding members of the military from California as plaintiffs also.This is from what my interpretation of our conversation.Orly, asked me to disseminate this information out for her, she will be doing a posting later after she gets some sleep.
Please say a prayer of protection for Orly, her family, and Judge Carter. Please also pray that the truth will come to light regarding Obama and justice will be done.
Dr Orly Taitz, Esq




Strength through joy
Military, listen up!
Now comes your day of reckoning.
Will you wait for others to honor their Oath before YOU do?

Major Stefan Frederick Cook successfully challenged his deployment orders based on BHO's illigitimacy. Orders to deploy to Afghanistan were rescinded! Please spread this to every military person you know as it is further confirmation you have NO legal Commander In Chief. Now do you get why THEY have not arrested Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick? They CAN'T risk exposure, plain and simple. So here's your task. Use the Lt. Commander's criminal complaint and substitute your name and rank. Notarize and send to me and your State U.S. Attorneys. It will be used in Grand Jury Presentments and other actions designed to FORCE compliance of the top brass to their "OATH OF OFFICE". In case you haven't figured it out yet, it WILL be the MILITARY that comes to the rescue of our country. Only YOU can stand up against this monster. Only YOU can make the difference. We The People have had our GOD given rights stripped by the Legislative and Judicial branches of this now FOREIGN government. We stand shoulder to shoulder with you in this fight to restore America to its basis as a Constitutional Republic. The best form of government ever invented on this planet.

Here's why we need to do it NOW



Strength through joy…
‘Get out of war free’ card
Posted: July 20, 2009
The case of the missing birth certificate grows more and more curious. While numerous attempts to clarify the historical record have been successfully fought by the administration’s lawyers, the issue became much more serious when Maj. Stefan Cook, a U.S. Army reservist with deployment orders to Afghanistan, filed a lawsuit based on his questions about the legality of a deployment order based on the command of a potentially illegitimate commander in chief. But rather than contesting the suit, the Army took the highly peculiar step of revoking the major’s deployment order, suggesting that the Pentagon generals are not entirely confident that they can demonstrate the legitimacy of their purported commander in chief.

The doubts this action raised about Obama’s legitimacy were further increased when Maj. Cook was almost immediately fired from his civilian job at a private defense contractor, reportedly due to pressure from a federal agency under the Department of Defense, the Defense Security Services Agency. Although the obvious purpose of revoking the deployment order was to render the lawsuit moot, the firing only provides Maj. Cook with additional ammunition for broadening the scope of his lawsuit now that he has suffered demonstrable material damages.
Maj. Cook has already been joined in his lawsuit by two other soldiers, a retired Army two-star general and an active reserve Air Force lieutenant colonel. But the potential consequences of the major’s revoked deployment go far beyond the number of American soldiers with doubts about the legitimacy of orders from their nominal commander in chief. The Pentagon’s decision to back down rather than risk exposing Obama’s birth records to the public means that every single American soldier, sailor, pilot and Marine now holds a “get out of war free” card. Not only every deployment order, but every order issued from an officer in the line of command can now be challenged in the knowledge that the top brass are afraid to respond for fear that their commander could be exposed for a fraud.
Given the number of sea and barracks lawyers in the various branches of the U.S. military, it seems unlikely that it will take very long for servicemen who are disinclined to accept an unpalatable or dangerous order to figure out how to best make use of this useful little veto. If even a small number of soldiers elect to do so, the effect on military discipline could rapidly become catastrophic.

It is one thing for Obama to deny the curiosity of the American public by hiding behind the courts. It is very much another for him to deny the right of the men and women of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, who are sworn to risk their lives upholding the Constitution of the United States of America, to be certain their orders are legitimate.
Where is the birth certificate?

Contact Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz. Attorney who is representing Major Cook and several U.S. Military Members who have filed lawsuits regarding President Obama demanding proof of his citizenship


Well-Known Member
Liddy seemed bewildered.
Perhapes he took too much oxycontin from Rush.
This is like talking to Grandpa Simpson....dahooo


Staff member
I like Liddy, he's kind of like your eccentric uncle. I felt bad for him there, he really got his butt handed to him and he didn't have a whole lot to say. Hopefully it made him rethink his commitment to all that "birther" nonsense.


Strength through joy
Chris Matthews is lying, or maybe he just doesn't know the real truth.

To end this subject all O has to do is spend $12 to have the State of Hi release his long form BC.

But instead he has spent $1,000,000 on several teams of lawyers not to do so.

Until he releases his court sealed records no one will ever know who he really is.


Chris Matthews is lying, or maybe he just doesn't know the real truth.

To end this subject all O has to do is spend $12 to have the State of Hi release his long form BC.

But instead he has spent $1,000,000 on several teams of lawyers not to do so.

Until he releases his court sealed records no one will ever know who he really is.

Keep the votes acoming..


So why as your first act did you create Executive Order # 13489 ?
Which seals all records from FOIA requests

this is very interesting baba goung.


Strength through joy
I have stated this before, BHO is a con artist.
Why is it that no one has come forward to back up any of his claims ?

Listen to his stories and you will see that they keep changing.