Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


I agree she's a nutjob, but that's the point. She's the lead lawyer for a nutjob movement. What you saw on that video is the best they've got.

I don't believe she is the best we've got. We have 424,000 people that have signed the list. Some I'm sure are wack jobs. Some are like me. I realize there is a good chance the guy was born in Hawaii. But I also believe that he and his campaign has been evasive in providing the required proof. They should have produced the original birth certificate when questioned on the copy. My joining in is not my chasing UFO's but a sincere effort to get the Obama folks to do a complete and thorough accounting for his citizenship. For some reason you and others here are quick to buy into anti-government conspiracies but you're wearing blinders on this one.

If you actually still believe at this point that there is anything here, then it's pointless to recount all the rock solid, indisputable, factual evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii. It's already been presented numerous times, and anyone with rudimentary internet skills can find it in 3 seconds from a multitude of credible sources. There is no "raging controversy" except in the imagination of dead end conspiracy theorists. Why do think that republicans like Anne Coulter, Karl Rove, and Bill O'reilly are calling it nonsense? It's not because they have any reservations about going after Obama, it's because they realize that this is a loser issue for them going into the midterms. Any conservative candidate who can be tied to these nutjobs winds up looking like a kook or worse.
At this point it's not surprising that democrats aren't doing more to dispel this blather, they're too busy laughing up their sleeves.

Actually the point here is this. The Obama folks can a do a thorough job of accrediting his birth rights or they can run a smear campaign on someone that does not come across as credible. In this case again they chose the smear job. At this point the movement has been called the birthers in another effort to make us all look like nuts. Every time they do this I ask the question why?

Why didn't they do a thorough accounting when the issue was first raised.

Why are they acting in a diversive fashion and constantly firing off Flak in an effort to distract us?

They can kill this issue anytime they want by simply providing the proof.


Staff member
I don't believe she is the best we've got. We have 424,000 people that have signed the list. Some I'm sure are wack jobs. Some are like me. I realize there is a good chance the guy was born in Hawaii. But I also believe that he and his campaign has been evasive in providing the required proof. They should have produced the original birth certificate when questioned on the copy. My joining in is not my chasing UFO's but a sincere effort to get the Obama folks to do a complete and thorough accounting for his citizenship. For some reason you and others here are quick to buy into anti-government conspiracies but you're wearing blinders on this one.
Actually the point here is this. The Obama folks can a do a thorough job of accrediting his birth rights or they can run a smear campaign on someone that does not come across as credible. In this case again they chose the smear job. At this point the movement has been called the birthers in another effort to make us all look like nuts. Every time they do this I ask the question why?

Why didn't they do a thorough accounting when the issue was first raised.

Why are they acting in a diversive fashion and constantly firing off Flak in an effort to distract us?

They can kill this issue anytime they want by simply providing the proof.
Sorry, I didn't realize when I addressed your post that you had already gone completely over the cliff on this one. Please ignore everything I wrote, it's not important now. Good luck to you (and Baba) in your quest. May the force be with you.


Sorry, I didn't realize when I addressed your post that you had already gone completely over the cliff on this one. Please ignore everything I wrote, it's not important now. Good luck to you (and Baba) in your quest. May the force be with you.

Not over the cliff at all. Just holding my government accountable. Something you were a big believer in when GW was in power.:happy-very:


Strength through joy
Well I am totally shocked, your messiah's birthday was yesterday and no one posted anything about it. Not one "happy b-day ".
It was like it never happened .


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I didn't realize when I addressed your post that you had already gone completely over the cliff on this one. Please ignore everything I wrote, it's not important now. Good luck to you (and Baba) in your quest. May the force be with you.

:rofl:....AOL....$20 bucks
Broadband.....$30 bucks
Jones Post......$


Well-Known Member
Jones Post......$

At the risk of being called a "LIBERAL" AGAIN :happy-very: I read that last night when I got home and just LMAO too!

PSST: Hey guys, do you think Mr Ding Dong has ever looked down and read my signature line and the better question is, does he even get it?




I like what the Southern Avenger had to say on the whole subject and yeah I agree, it is stupid!

YouTube - SA@Takimag - Born in the USA?

Another defender of the Obama birth issue bordering on paniced hysteria.
I have not made a case for overturning the elections or any other hystronics associated with this issue. This argument is another diversion meant to beat the "birthers" into submission. Keep it simple.

The candidate for presidency has the obligation to prove he is a citizen. His proof provided has not been completely 100 percent forth coming. His actions have at times been misleading and evasive.

The president has the burden of proof and he also has the means to produce the document and kill the "birther" movement.


At the risk of being called a "LIBERAL" AGAIN :happy-very: I read that last night when I got home and just LMAO too!

PSST: Hey guys, do you think Mr Ding Dong has ever looked down and read my signature line and the better question is, does he even get it?


OH come on out of the closet. Everyone knows you're really an Obama/Pelosi/Reed lover....:)

pssst- looks like Mr. windbag is squirming when someone questions him on his political sexuality.


Double psst- while some borrow the words of Mussolini my grandfather knew the man and lived his tenure. Mussolini was an absolute pig and does not deserve to be honored by being quoted.

Your fascination with bad mouthing your country while quoting the despots of other countries has been noted.


Well-Known Member
OH come on out of the closet. Everyone knows you're really an Obama/Pelosi/Reed lover....:)

pssst- looks like Mr. windbag is squirming when someone questions him on his political sexuality.

What's really sad Tie is even you birthers can't even get it right!

NEWSFLASH: Obama birth certificate found in Ireland!


Well-Known Member
Actually the point here is this. The Obama folks can a do a thorough job of accrediting his birth rights or they can run a smear campaign on someone that does not come across as credible. In this case again they chose the smear job. At this point the movement has been called the birthers in another effort to make us all look like nuts. Every time they do this I ask the question why?

Why didn't they do a thorough accounting when the issue was first raised.

Why are they acting in a diversive fashion and constantly firing off Flak in an effort to distract us?

They can kill this issue anytime they want by simply providing the proof.

Very good points. This also leads to the question of why he does not produce his birth certificate? If and I will assume that he was born in the states why not just produce it and shut everyone up? When the left wing nuts challenged McCain he just produced his. It just makes you wonder if his BC says he has a different father or race or something that makes him want to spend millions on his legal defense.

It is funny watching these left wing cooks defend zero on this issue when he promised such an open regime during his campaign and he cannot even produce a simple birth certificate. Heck I've even had to produce mine at several different points during my life.


What's really sad Tie is even you birthers can't even get it right!

NEWSFLASH: Obama birth certificate found in Ireland!

I don't speak for all Birthers.

On a side note I'll back off on the Mussolini comment. I'm actually happy you found a leader you felt comfortable supporting. :happy-very:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't speak for all Birthers.

On a side note I'll back off on the Mussolini comment. I'm actually happy you found a leader you felt comfortable supporting. :happy-very:

400K birthers vs. 52 million american voters for OBAMA...

Yeah, the scales of balance are close...good luck wasting your time!




Strength through joy
400K birthers vs. 52 million american voters for OBAMA...

Yeah, the scales of balance are close...good luck wasting your time!



Why are you defending bho, everyday he is laughing in your face.
All he has to do is show his BC, that if he actually has one. Instead he has spent your donated monies to defend himself from one simple question.

It makes sense now why he has to push thru all of his bills so quickly.


400K birthers vs. 52 million american voters for OBAMA...

Yeah, the scales of balance are close...good luck wasting your time!



Oh Ok so you're saying we should discount the interests of the minority?

If thats the case lets forget about the health care needs of 40 million since 460 million have it?:peaceful:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
what no parades in Hawaii?:happy-very:
No, but I havent read the Kenyan news. They may have had one. Hell we could all have a parade, if he was still in Kenya. We would not be fighting to stay free. No matter where hes from he should not be my president.