Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate



BAba goung: your efforts and those of others have paid off. Apparently, the administration has been pressured enough that a state official has once again said that he has seen the official birth certificate. It's now cleared up in my mind. How could I doubt the man's legitimacy now that I know that someone said he saw the birth certificate? (question is sarcastic)


Strength through joy
Look closely at that report; they spelled BHO's name wrong, it is not listed on the state web site for that dept. like all other press releases, and should it ever be found out that BHO has no real long form then that state official could find herself tried for treason.
Personally I don't care if he has or has not a long form BC, I want to see what is in all those other records that he is too ashamed to make public.


Strength through joy

So this is your proof. Nice try, fool. was started by Bill Ayers, from his house BHO started his first election run. This site is so full of BS . along with , which is run out of a gargage in Ca, by a husband & wife team. Just when did these two become the absolute authority ?

It's Official! Hawaii never issued Obama's 2007 Certification of Live Birth
Posted by Polarik on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7:02:25 PM

Today is July 14, and in the space of less than two months, Obama's Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, has acknowledged, for a second time, that Obama had posted a copy of his Certification of Live Birth (COLB) on the Internet and one that Gibbs alleges is a real certificate sent by Hawaii.
The big problem for Gibbs here, and for Obama, is that what was posted on the Internet and on Obama's website, (which has now been scrubbed) is a fabricated and forged "scan image." Furthermore, the document object shown in photos taken by Factcheck staffer, Jess Henig, and alleged to be the same document shown in the "scan image," is also a fabricated forgery. I documented it all in my final report, Obama's Born Conspiracy, and in my recent post, "Why Obama will never show his birth certificate."
But, the real killer of this birth certificate scam is that Hawaii never made a 2007 Certification of Live Birth for Obama, never issued a 2007 COLB for Obama, and never confirmed anything about this bogus 2007 COLB that Obama, his staff, and Factcheck have insisted is a real document.


Strength through joy
Anyone care to make a quick $100,000 ?

All you have to do, and this would be real easy for all you BHO fans since you are always telling everyone that this BC challenge is crap.
Here we have someone willing to give you $100,000 reward for proof of BHO's "natural born citizen" status.
Quickly contact this guy, before someone else steals your big payoff.


Strength through joy
Did you know that BHO's sister who was born in Indonesia has a Hawaiian Certification of Live Birth ( COLB ) ?
Did you know that BHO's COLB regristration number is wrong ?
In 1961 there were few Africans living in Hawaii, so a birth of a mixed race child would have been noticed . Yet to date no one has come forth, no doctor, no nurses, no hospital support staff, no midwife, no medical office staff. And WND .com has for months now been offering a $10,000 reward for any information from these people.
As for the newspaper announcement , no neighbors can recall anyone fitting the Obama's description as ever living at the published address.
However his former babysitter in Seattle remembers him & his mother when they lived there while Obama sr was still living in Hi.
Why is the only picture of the happy Obama family , the one taken at the airport luggage area, shows a grown child, not a baby ? And according to Obama sr.'s Hawaiian friends they can not recall ever seeing him with BHO's mother.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Come on baba we have a know it all.

No one is here now that was alive at my birth either but I can prove where I was born.

And I have needed it for several things much less important than the presidency.

Guess what send for it, it comes to you. Maybe I should send him the addy for vital statistics in HI.


Strength through joy
Come on baba we have a know it all.

No one is here now that was alive at my birth either but I can prove where I was born.

And I have needed it for several things much less important than the presidency.

Guess what send for it, it comes to you. Maybe I should send him the addy for vital statistics in HI.
And the $12 bucks, too.


Strength through joy
Anyone think this might be real ?



common tactic by the media. find some nut job representative covering the subject you wish to squash and make her look stupid.

The issue here is real simple. Produce a real birth certificate and squash the issue once and for all.

For some reason the Obama folks refuse to or are unable to. So what we have is some poor rendition of a birth certificate and a raging controversey.

This is an issue that should have been thoroughly dispelled way before now. Instead the Obama supporters have acted in an evasive manner and given 400,000 people a reason to pursue the issue.


Staff member
common tactic by the media. find some nut job representative covering the subject you wish to squash and make her look stupid.
I agree she's a nutjob, but that's the point. She's the lead lawyer for a nutjob movement. What you saw on that video is the best they've got.

The issue here is real simple. Produce a real birth certificate and squash the issue once and for all.

For some reason the Obama folks refuse to or are unable to. So what we have is some poor rendition of a birth certificate and a raging controversey.

This is an issue that should have been thoroughly dispelled way before now. Instead the Obama supporters have acted in an evasive manner and given 400,000 people a reason to pursue the issue.
If you actually still believe at this point that there is anything here, then it's pointless to recount all the rock solid, indisputable, factual evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii. It's already been presented numerous times, and anyone with rudimentary internet skills can find it in 3 seconds from a multitude of credible sources. There is no "raging controversy" except in the imagination of dead end conspiracy theorists. Why do think that republicans like Anne Coulter, Karl Rove, and Bill O'reilly are calling it nonsense? It's not because they have any reservations about going after Obama, it's because they realize that this is a loser issue for them going into the midterms. Any conservative candidate who can be tied to these nutjobs winds up looking like a kook or worse.
At this point it's not surprising that democrats aren't doing more to dispel this blather, they're too busy laughing up their sleeves.


Well-Known Member

I like what the Southern Avenger had to say on the whole subject and yeah I agree, it is stupid!

SA @ Takimag - Born in the USA?


Strength through joy
The outcome of proving the BHO is a liar is all I would want.

Thus making our media come down from their high horse and start to do their real jobs. No longer would they be BHO's pr dept.
Start to question everything about this guy down to the smallest point, effectively stripping him of any real powers and eliminating all of his czars ( last count was 44 ).