Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
I would never refer to a DUI as "simple". There's nothing simple about it. It's driving impaired and endangering everyone on the road because of your reckless behavior. It seems the drunk usually survives, but his car kills a family of 5 who were going out to eat. "Simple" as that!!


Staff member
I would never refer to a DUI as "simple". There's nothing simple about it. It's driving impaired and endangering everyone on the road because of your reckless behavior. It seems the drunk usually survives, but his car kills a family of 5 who were going out to eat. "Simple" as that!!
It may stupid, idiotic, and reckless, but it's a long, long way from "Booze Hell". Unless of course one is trying to sell papers at the check out counter. Perhaps then the arresting officer is a lizzard man/Bigfoot half-breed closely related to real life Bo and Luke Dukes of the Florida pan-handle. Yeeeee Haaaaa!


Strength through joy


Date: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 2:33 PM
What happened to the “chain of command?!” You, Col. Lind, ruled on September 3 that the Pentagon, not so-called commander-in-chief Barack Obama, is the entity which issues orders to enlisted men and women in the military. As such, you denied Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, truly an American hero and patriot, his right as a United States citizen and military officer to the defense process of discovery (to merely examine Obama’s credentials so as to verify his, Obama’s, legal authority constitutionally to issue orders to troops troops, such as to deploy to Afghanistan in the case of Lt. Col. Lakin). So, now, Col. Lind, it appears we have a disjointed/disconnected “chain of command,” don’t we? It doesn’t extend to the “top” anymore, i.e., it doesn’t go up to or emanate from the “Commander-in-Chief” like we always thought it did. According to you, the chain of command now stops at the Pentagon! This sort-of leaves Barack Obama out, doesn’t it, Col. Lind?
So, tell us, Col. Lind, has there recently been a military coup/junta in the United States of America, which we, the citizens, know noting about and in which you, Col. Lind, are a conspirator who is promoting it and concealing it from We the People? Aren’t you sworn to honor and protect the Constitution and to serve the citizenry of the United States of America? Not Barack Obama or any other possible usurper/dictator! Obviously, I say, this matter needs to be resolved in a court of law, not your shamelessly corrupt kangaroo court!


Staff member
Since th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America swore Barack Hussein Obama as president, isn't it beyond the pervue of a lower judicial entity to bring the qualifications into question? Simply put, a defendant can request whatever he or she wants, but the judge a) does not have to grant the request or b) may not have the authority to grant the request. Sounds like the old Wesley Snipes kind of legal arguement.

And if you think about it, in the chain of command, the civilian leadership is held out of reach of the military. Orders flow through a one way pipeline. The military does not dictate who it's leaders are going to be. It would be like a UPS driver trying to tell the UPS board of directors who should be Scott Davis' replacement should be.


Strength through joy
Since th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America swore Barack Hussein Obama as president, isn't it beyond the pervue of a lower judicial entity to bring the qualifications into question? Simply put, a defendant can request whatever he or she wants, but the judge a) does not have to grant the request or b) may not have the authority to grant the request. Sounds like the old Wesley Snipes kind of legal arguement.

And if you think about it, in the chain of command, the civilian leadership is held out of reach of the military. Orders flow through a one way pipeline. The military does not dictate who it's leaders are going to be. It would be like a UPS driver trying to tell the UPS board of directors who should be Scott Davis' replacement should be.

He had to swear him in twice .



golden ticket member
The Globe has resurrected the story again in the Nov. 22nd issue...this is all I could get. They want you to buy the magaazine of course.....
Obama Birth Certificate Bombshell!

Investigative teams acting on orders of newly elected Congressmen are fanning out around the world to uncover the truth about President Barack Obama's birthplace, political insiders tell GLOBE in a blockbuster world exclusive! Find out how Obama's political enemies are leaving no stone unturned to expose his Hawaiian birth certificate as a fake and prove he was REALLY born in Kenya. It's must reading for every American

Lue C Fur

Evil member

Wheel of Fortune rigged?? No Vanna envolved? Prince Charles' gay lover banned from wedding?? I thought Camilla was his gay lover. Eddie Munster's Booze and Drug Nightmare?? Poor Eddie...i bet his unlce molested him know...the one that screwed the lightbulb into his ear.

more, it is very hard to take anything you write seriously when your source is a tabloid magazine with a Jerry Springer target audience.
Do you remember when Jerry would do the trailer cam"...that was classic.


golden ticket member
John Edwards laughed too......"That's not my girlfriend"..........."I'm not the father of that child"..........."Rielle who?"..........

I have many sources. Today alone I posted a Fox News link, an MSNBC link, a Globe link and an IMDB link. About the only place I won't provide a link from is the Huffington Post because I hate that witch!

It amazes me that for all your complaining about my posts you continue to read or look at them. You are a glutton for punishment. Put yourself out of misery and click that ignore feature.


Well-Known Member
more, you dominate this website. Do you realize that you have 6.26% of all of the posts since this website was created? Over and I combined have fewer posts. You have four threads which are basically your own in Life After Brown yet none of the content on any of those threads is actually your own. You frequently post links and forwarded e-mails without verification that turn out to have false information. You scour the internet for political cartoons rather than post your own thoughts. I actually feel sorry for you that you have so little going on in your life that you come to an internet forum the content of which you have little relevance to and yet dominate it.

Perhaps others would take you more seriously if you were more selective in your posts. Dave.