Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
It's not my goal in life to be taken seriously ... except 37% of the time. Did it take you all of your Sunday off to figure what % of the posts are mine?

So, what am I suppose to do....take 5 years off so you can catch up ??? Take a chill pill.

Oh, and by the way, these are MY OWN THOUGHTS!!!


Well-Known Member
It took all of 5 seconds to divide your posts by the total number of posts, which are updated on the home page.

Don't kid yourself--you are of no consequence to me and I am certainly not trying to "catch up".

I come here as I feel I have something to add to the conversation. I also come here to learn, especially in the Current Events. I try to be selective in what I post but admit that I am not always successful in doing so. What I post here are my own thoughts, not those forwarded to me or gleaned from the internet, based upon my own experiences.

I laugh as I pass by your personal threads on Life After Brown and skake my head as you post cartoon after cartoon.

Quantity and quality are not one in the same, a lesson I am slowly learning and perhaps one you may want to look in to.


golden ticket member
"....I laugh as I pass by your personal threads on Life After Brown and skake my head as ...."

If you are "passing by my personal thread" as you say, how is it you have so many critiques. What, you're not reading them?

I hope you didn't hurt your head when you were 'skaking' it !!


golden ticket member
Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, I'm free at last.

Oops, those were somebody else's words......technically, every word we speak has been used before. :happy2:


Well-Known Member
The BC posting champion is!

I did a little math along with calculating to time and here's what I found. Since May of 2002' when More joined BC, she's averaged 206 posts per month and since Upstate joined in Oct. 2007', he's averaged 327 posts.

DING! DING! DING! We got us a winner! If you both continue that pace, at some point in the future Upstate will pass More in alltime total number of posts. More may start sandbagging now just to speed it up!:happy-very:

Upstate, I think you putting More on ignore was an outstanding idea and a move that both of you will benefit from going forward. I told you before the ole' blue hai......I mean, she is a BC Legacy so why fight it?


BTW: As to the "personal BC threads" my daughter and I have used a number of recipes from Moreluck's recipe files (I bet I'm not alone either) so in that regard, I'm very thankful she did that and it has served a great purpose as far as I'm concerned. I've thanked you before More but thanks again for doing so and keep em' comin'!


Staff member
Pardon me. Has the gauntlet now been thrown down? Have you left out the possibility that others may also be able to ramble on incoherently, bloviate endlessly and post ficticious news article by the volume? Do you mean to imply this must be a two horse race, or are there perhaps others who may take bit in mouth and spur to flank and in a fury of internet madness surpass the two Titans of BC? Enquiring minds around the Globe are interested in what the Herald from the National Review has to say about this form of Entertainment tonight.


Staff member
Oh, I have relative youth on my side too. I could have put this in my previous post, but that would be defeating the purpose now, wouldn't it.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Pardon me. Has the gauntlet now been thrown down? Have you left out the possibility that others may also be able to ramble on incoherently, bloviate endlessly and post ficticious news article by the volume? Do you mean to imply this must be a two horse race, or are there perhaps others who may take bit in mouth and spur to flank and in a fury of internet madness surpass the two Titans of BC? Enquiring minds around the Globe are interested in what the Herald from the National Review has to say about this form of Entertainment tonight.

I've always thrown down that gauntlet just as it's thrown down for you. There is a TOS policy here and as long as that policy is not violated then yes, post away! I know you are somewhat new here but those who know me for some time know that when it comes to speaking your mind on what you believe regardless if I agree or not, I defend that right at all times and I find I'm been on the wrongside of the vocal majority more than a time or two because of it. I even defend Klein being here with all his "stuff" as long as he doesn't cross that TOS bridge. Just because a few folks here can't use self control and instead act like flies zooming towards a pile of :censored2: everytime he appears is their problem not his. I find alot of his postings more about sticking a pin in a voodoo doll to get a reaction than anything else and to his credit, he's gotten pretty good at it too!

Because you disagree with a subject matter or dislike the source doesn't always make it untrue either and the reverse holds as much valid water. I myself have linked to sources as diverse as DailyKos, Alternet, Huffington, Counterpunch, Truthdig. American Conservative, National Review, LewRockwell, Socialist Party Website, John Birch Society's The New American and a much longer list even still. Truth is not confined to a left or right paradigm nor a specific political party either and I also like posting ideas and sources either no one else or very few dare post and thus that may give you a real hint at what I'm really all about here!

When it comes to speech, thougth and ideas, I very much champion and always will a complete and total free market and then it's up to each individual to determine if that product has value for themselves in the marketplace of liberty!

carpe libertas!


Well-Known Member
Oh, Wk. You took me way, way, way too seriously on that one. This is playtime, nothing more.:peaceful:

Be careful when you don't use emotioicons and challenge the right of thought and speech by others because those are 2 subjects when challenged is not an area I play nice in at all. Everything else is completely fair game because in order to do so you need free speech and thought to begin with!

:peaceful: Back at ya!


Staff member
I am not going to use emotioicons on this post, but see if you get the meaning and the flavor. Wk, really. Perhaps an increase in fiber and an ice water enema would go a ways to lightening things up for you a bit. A little more Stewart/Colbert and a little less "Give me liberty or give me death," might decrease the number of necessary colonoscopies in the coming years.


Well-Known Member
I am not going to use emotioicons on this post, but see if you get the meaning and the flavor. Wk, really. Perhaps an increase in fiber and an ice water enema would go a ways to lightening things up for you a bit. A little more Stewart/Colbert and a little less "Give me liberty or give me death," might decrease the number of necessary colonoscopies in the coming years.



Staff member
LOL. Thank goodness for a diet rich in fiber or (without emotioicons) I would have become upset and thought I was being threatedned with a viper by a semi-stable fringe member of a militia were kidding, right? Hmmm. Maybe emotioicons do have their place on the 'net.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Thank goodness for a diet rich in fiber or (without emotioicons) I would have become upset and thought I was being threatedned with a viper by a semi-stable fringe member of a militia were kidding, right? Hmmm. Maybe emotioicons do have their place on the 'net.




Well-Known Member
Upstate, I think you putting More on ignore was an outstanding idea and a move that both of you will benefit from going forward. I told you before the ole' blue hai......I mean, she is a BC Legacy so why fight it?

Best move I ever made--I should listen to you more often; of course, to do so I would have to have a dictionary available.


Strength through joy
I have a question that needs no answer.............
in this age where even our government can't keep their records secret ( Wikileaks ), where sealed court records are exposed ( Joe the plumber ) why is it that no hacker has come forth with any of barry's hidden documents ?


Staff member
I have a question that needs no answer.............
in this age where even our government can't keep their records secret ( Wikileaks ), where sealed court records are exposed ( Joe the plumber ) why is it that no hacker has come forth with any of barry's hidden documents ?

Because it would torpedo your crusade.