Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

But you can't prove a negative and you can't force him to prove the positive.
May not be able to prove a negative, but you sure can prove a positive. If he has a birth cert. from another country...that would be positive
Oh, and BTW....everyone else's proof of birth is public record. Zero had his sealed for a reason, what that reason is/was I don't know.


Strength through joy
O’s Outfielder Luke Scott Questions Obama’s Birthplace

From rakates

(WJZ) Baltimore Orioles outfielder Luke Scott wasn’t only talking baseball at the winter meetings on Tuesday. He questioned President Barack Obama’s birthplace and claimed he did not represent the United States.
“Obama does not represent America. Nor does he represent anything what our forefathers stood for,” Scott said in an interview with David Brown of Yahoo’s Big League Stew.
The 32-year-old went on to say Obama has no legal documentation.
“He was not born here. That’s my belief. I was born here,” Scott said. ”If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go — within 10 minutes — to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, ‘See? Look! Here it is. Here it is.’ The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn’t answer anything. And why? Because he’s hiding something.”


Well-Known Member
I actually joined in 2000.....does that mess up your ciphering?

Nope because even though I typed 2002', I used the number of months since 2000' to arrive at the figure so I'm still good.

Hey Baba,
Ever considered that the CIA might be the one hiding the truth on Wonderboy?

This is nothing new as John Pilger posed this CIA question about Obama nearly 2 years ago.

watch about 2 minutes in


Well-Known Member
Then you should also know that they cannot divulge information about a covert agent (a la Scooter Libby/Valerie Plame).

Why didn't they charge Libby and Cheney with treason, espionage and otherwise charges for causing all manner of mayhem or just flag them both for dubious sex charges and launch a global manhunt?

Poor Barney, never even got to take the bullet out of his shirtpocket either!

Since you posed a WMD question, I'll return the favor!


Well-Known Member
Then you should also know that they cannot divulge information about a covert agent (a la Scooter Libby/Valerie Plame).

Why didn't they charge Libby and Cheney with treason, espionage and otherwise charges for causing all manner of mayhem or just flag them both for dubious sex charges and launch a global manhunt?

Poor Barney, never even got to take the bullet out of his shirtpocket either!

Since you posed a WMD question, I'll return the favor!

I was going to post this under Movie Reviews but I will post it here as well. Go see "Fair Game". It is the movie based on the book with the same title by Valerie Plame-Wilson. Very good movie that gave me a much better understanding of the process that took place and the deception involved therein preceding the war in Iraq. I think Jones would also enjoy this movie.


Strength through joy
I've following this "trial", it's a shame that Col. Larkin is not being allowed a fair hearing.
What even more shameful is the lies that the reporters continue to spread about "
Officials in Hawaii say they have seen and verified Obama's original 1961 birth certificate" .



Strength through joy
I've following this "trial", it's a shame that Col. Larkin is not being allowed a fair hearing.
What even more shameful is the lies that the reporters continue to spread about "
Officials in Hawaii say they have seen and verified Obama's original 1961 birth certificate" .


Please note that these examples of COLB clearly show " Date Accepted By The State Registrar " , while barry's does not.