Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Staff member
Never will end up like Clintons Whitewater with mysterious deaths and suicides...dont forget that your dealing with the Chicago Mafia.

What about how the Clintons trashed the White House on the way out of town? Oh. That didn't happen either. Maybe you'd do better finding evidence of Nessie.


Strength through joy
but I love where michelle planted her garden, on the same spot the clintons dumped toxic waste, my those veggies must be tasty.


Strength through joy
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+2]The true Barack Obama: Pedestrian political hack
Jack Cashill, in writing "Deconstructing Obama: The Life, Loves, and Letters of the First Postmodern President," has established a solid case that Weather Underground radical bomber Bill Ayers, not Barack Obama, is the author of the president's autobiography, "Dreams from My Father."
Why is this important?
Because, as Cashill points out, the "foundational myth" of Barack Obama's persona is built upon his "presumed literary genius."
If it turns out Obama did not author his own autobiography, then the façade that is Barack Obama may crack open beyond repair, disillusioning a public first enamored with his prose, in the realization Obama did not craft the words himself. Great authors do not need ghostwriters.

Cashill challenges readers to understand that Obama promoters have offered a gullible public a fictionalized persona in an autobiography written by Bill Ayers, a bomb-throwing leftist radical.
What happens if the image carefully crafted for Obama of the community leader who began his public career dedicated to the poor turns out to crumble, revealing the reality that Obama is just another ambitious Chicago-style politician willing to use any edge, including lying, to get ahead?
The truth Ayers tries to mask with the soaring prose of "Dreams from My Father" is this:

  • Obama is a relatively inexperienced Chicago-style corrupt political hack who was trained by communists, including his mentor Frank Marshall Davis;
  • in his formative years, Obama read angry black revolutionary authors and proceeded through two colleges with mediocre grades at best, submerged in a haze of marijuana smoke peppered by cocaine use; and
  • Obama, with the active promotion of an uncritical mainstream media, emerged to be president of the United States, even though he cannot yet seem to locate his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate.


Staff member
Let's start with the last. It is argued by gun rights activists that they need weapons to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. The Constitution provides for gun rights. So if both of these statements is true, how is the US citizen to defend itself against the greatest arsenal ever assembled if they are denied access to like weaponry?

I know nothing of frogs lodged in one's back-side. Is this a new Texas past time?
Let's start with the last. It is argued by gun rights activists that they need weapons to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. The Constitution provides for gun rights. So if both of these statements is true, how is the US citizen to defend itself against the greatest arsenal ever assembled if they are denied access to like weaponry?

I know nothing of frogs lodged in one's back-side. Is this a new Texas past time?
You are correct that SOME gun rights activists do advocate having access to the same weaponry at the federal government, but ALL do not. Sometimes one also should have more information for their equations to hold any value.
Having reading comprehension problems again huh, bbsam? No one but you ever mentioned frogs being lodged anywhere. You seem to have an obsession with such activities, maybe San Francisco would be a good place for you to consider for relocation, I hear lots of folks there are into that kind of stuff.


Staff member
Well let's leave frogs out of the equation for the time being and you can tell me how it is that that those people arming themselves against the government are constitutionally incorrect. The Constitution makes no distinction on the lethality of weaponry.
Well let's leave frogs out of the equation for the time being and you can tell me how it is that that those people arming themselves against the government are constitutionally incorrect. The Constitution makes no distinction on the lethality of weaponry.
Where did I say they were constitutionally incorrect? In fact I offered no opinion on that.
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Staff member
Where did I say they were constitutionally incorrect? In fact I offered no opinion on that.

Then I have high-lighted my original point in that when it is convenient, the United States ignores the Constiturion and does what is usually the path of least resistance.
Then I have high-lighted my original point in that when it is convenient, the United States ignores the Constiturion and does what is usually the path of least resistance.
That has been one of my biggest gripes about the "government" for many years. And to get back to the intent of this thread, O's true birth place, wherever that may be, is "constitutionally" important.


Staff member
That has been one of my biggest gripes about the "government" for many years. And to get back to the intent of this thread, O's true birth place, wherever that may be, is "constitutionally" important.

Ok. Then I would think (back to previous statement) Chief Justice John Roberts who swore Obama in to the presidency twice would have the court look into that. It's been suggested that it's held up in lower courts. I find that very hard to believe. Remember how fast Bush v. Gore hit the Supreme Court? Takes 4 justices to grant cert. Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, Alito. If the court saw a constitutional issue, it would have been there by January 19, 2009.


Strength through joy
problem is that there is no one agency responsible to confirm a person's information is correct, everyone assumed that someone else already checked him out when if fact no one did. Since he sealed all of his background records, how was he vetted ?
By jan 2009 the issue was only being handled in a couple of cases in different courts, thus there was no real organized groups demanding a SC decision, unlike Bush v. Gore.

the U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled another "conference" on a legal challenge to Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, but officials there are not answering questions about whether two justices given their jobs by Obama will participate. The court has confirmed that it has distributed a petition for rehearing in the case brought by attorney John Hemenway on behalf of retired Col. Gregory Hollister and it will be the subject of a conference on March 4

Read more: Stunner! Supremes to give eligibility case <I>another</i> look


Engorged Member
This entire thread is insane, as is the campaign by "birthers", who will try anything to discredit Obama. Do you really think that we have a "non-citizen" President, even when many leaders of the opposition party have repeatedly stated that he is an American-born US citizen? It's amazing that when Glenn, Rush or some other Right Wing crackpot hints around the subject with some dog whistle statement, that all the crazies get all frothed-up over "BHO" being a Muslim that was born in Kenya. It's frightening that people can be so easily led astray and how ignorant many Americans really are.

If you'd stop watching the manufactured garbage over at FAUX Hews, you might actually learn something. I've got to go now, because I'm going to go study my Koran with Barack and Bill Ayres while we plot the Muslim overthrow of the American Way of Life. Ba,ha,ha,ha(evil Muslim laughter).